Grow Cabinet vs Grow Tent


New Member
First grow. Found this site

They have grow cabinets,rooms and tents. I am lost on the difference. Seems like the "grow rooms" come with everything but are expensive. I was not planning on hydro just Fox Farms soil as i heard hydro is complex.

This sites videos make we wonder. They claim 40% higher yield etc.

As a total newbie should i go simple?

They sell Gorilla tents are they worth it?

Tent vs Cabinet? How do they differ?

I need some direction. have dbeen on line for 5 hours and still too many options here!!

Help please

Balke Buds

I am in the same boat at the moment.
Building a room would be cheaper....tent is portable, prebuilt closets are less of both....

If you build a room using standard wood framing you can build it to your specs and waaaay cheaper but....not portable and if you ever have to move you are prob gonna have to deconstruct.

Prebuilt cabinets are expensive, not as portable as a tent, and you are limited in expansion.

Tents are portable but more expensive than building out a room or two...and less expensive than most cabinets I have seen on he market. They are configured for a sensible setup.

These are my thoughts and what I am contemplating at the moment.
i would rather build a room with lumber, way cheaper and I can build it to my specs! However I know I will be moving in a couple of a tent is where I am leaning....two of them. One for cloning, for flower.
I am thinking 3x3 for veg, cloning with one A51 and a 4x8 with two A51s for flower.

Do what your pocket book can handle and what will meet your lifestyle...


Well-Known Member
A tent is the way to go, my friend by, far. Already reflective, light leak proof, water proof floor, hangers, holes for vents etc. Plus if you have to move shop unexpectedly you could do it in 20 minutes and no cleanup vs taking down a built room and making a mess. As far as cabinets go in my opinion go big or go home. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
First grow. Found this site

They have grow cabinets,rooms and tents. I am lost on the difference. Seems like the "grow rooms" come with everything but are expensive. I was not planning on hydro just Fox Farms soil as i heard hydro is complex.

This sites videos make we wonder. They claim 40% higher yield etc.

As a total newbie should i go simple?

They sell Gorilla tents are they worth it?

Tent vs Cabinet? How do they differ?

I need some direction. have dbeen on line for 5 hours and still too many options here!!

Help please
Don't buy premade shit. Buy a cheap tent, then fit it to your specs. Keep your intake low to the ground, and make sure to have an exhaust.


Active Member

With a little know how and research you can build your own room/tent/cab significantly cheaper.
Check yard sales and what not for something to turn into a stealth cab you wont be disappointed, granted you have aforementioned know how or if you do your research.



Well-Known Member
Listen to everyone here, those cabinets are shit lol incredible waste of money. Get a tent, youll be happy you did, especially if you change your mind with your setup. Will be easy to change things around, and a minimal loss if you completely ditch the tent.


I recently had this dilemma, and after considering all factors realized a tent is much more versatile than a cabinet. If you'll want to go perpetual, you can always buy another tent ;)


Well-Known Member
If you live in a place where it's illegal to cultivate then you should get a tent. I don't knock anything until I personally try it, so I won't comment on the pros/cons of the all in one cabinets. What I can tell you is that if you need to take your grow down in a hurry you won't be able to do that with a cabinet. I can have my entire 2 tent setup collapsed and stuffed in 40 gallon storage totes in about 20 minutes. Home emergencies happen.


Well-Known Member
If you live in a place where it's illegal to cultivate then you should get a tent. I don't knock anything until I personally try it, so I won't comment on the pros/cons of the all in one cabinets. What I can tell you is that if you need to take your grow down in a hurry you won't be able to do that with a cabinet. I can have my entire 2 tent setup collapsed and stuffed in 40 gallon storage totes in about 20 minutes. Home emergencies happen.


Active Member
i say tent all day, they are portable and light...I paid 200 for a 7x7x7 tent from lighthouse was a good investment my plants have doubled in size