Grow Cabinet Help


Active Member
Hi...New to the site and am looking for a little info. I started building a steallth cabinet using an old refrigerator. The space inside is 26wX22dX52h. I am looking to setup a one plant dwc scrog inside. Would a 400 watt hps be possible to use with proper cooling? If so What would I need to cool it with to use it within the cabinet? Thanks..


Well-Known Member
52 high is pretty good to work with for 1 plant, spect you want a 5inch inline to pull the air through


Active Member
5 inch inline would be enough? How much cfm should i look for?? I will post a few pics of my cabinet once i get my camera charged.


Well-Known Member
the low power inline 5 inch are around 295 an hour and the hi power shift 365 m3 of air an hour, hi power is best if you bare going to use a carbon filter


Active Member
I will be using a carbon filter when stuff starts stinking....I will have to get out and do some shopping tomorrow. Hoping to have this cabinet lit up by the weekend. Thanks for the help...I will post the results of my cabinet once i am complete


Active Member
thanks man....cant wait till it is complete. Do you think a booster fan will push enough hot air out?


Active Member
yeah its should be plenty. it will be completely replacing the air in your grow room every 6 seconds (180cfm/18cf = 10times/min.). You will also have to make an inlet hole around 7".