Grow Box?


Active Member
I am new to this and have never grown before. I was looking online and saw that they sell PC grow boxes etc. Although they are very expensive. I was looking around my house and realized I have a mini fridge that no longer works. The inside measures 1.2X1.2X2.5 FT equaling 4.225 square feet (correct me if im wrong) Is this area big enough? good idea? how much would it cost to set this up? Although I do want to harvest as much as possible in this small area, quality is also important. Main Question, IS IT WORTH IT?


Well-Known Member
yer any help would be great as im in a similar situation size wise, and i was thinking a 70w hps would be ok but idk really...


Well-Known Member
to small plus no ventilation in that fridge i dont tihnk a scrog owuld evern work in there with a small plant like northern lights... why dont u go to some local hardware store and find som rubber maid bins 2 of them and flip one of them on top of each other this will give you plenty off room, i cant see you drilling holes in a mini fridge for ventilation.. or even find some cardboard and some thin wood make a box shape from 2x2 cm of wood glue the frame together and then glue the carboard on the frame ? catch my drift


Active Member
Yes, I catch your drift only problem is I live with my parents. They dont aprrove. I need something that they wouldn't look at twice. As for drilling holes in the mini fridge for ventalation is fine as long as I can find somethin that will drill big enough holes. As I stated before the mini fridge does not work. So I am not worried about ruining it.