Well-Known Member
I built a grow box with a 90w UFO and 2, 26w daylight 6500k CFL's. I have an exhaust fan leading to a carbon filter and a small fan inside to circulate air. It's been running a bit hot so I've been keeping the room cold. I just turned off the inside fan, which was pointed up at the lights, and the temp has dropped almost 10F. I'm assuming I was cooling the lights by blowing the air by them which was warming up the rest of the box. Any recommendations for what I should do? At night it is way too cold and during the day it gets borderline hot. Should I skip the inside fan until the plants are big enough to block the flow of air? Any other recommendations are welcome. Low temps are around 58F and high around 85F. Now with the fan off it is dropping and last I checked it was around 72-74.