grow box temperature and setup


I am doing my first indoor grow and have run into a little issue. I have a box 3ft tall X 1.5 ft wide X 2ft deep. it is lined w/ mylar. I have a supply (bottem) and an exhaust (top) fan each at 32 CFM. I currently have (4) 27 watt compact flourescents (daylight). I have 4 plants which are less than a week old. My problem is that I can't keep the temp below 84 degrees during the day. I thoght maybe the reflectors are adding extra I even need them?? Any opinions? I have included a picture of my setup.




Well-Known Member
84 is ok mate.. It's when you get into the 90's you have to worry. If possible try to run your lights in the cool part of the night and off in the heat of the day.

Hope this helps


Great...Thanks. Actually, I was going to add (2) more 27 watt you think 6 will be enough? I am growing lowriders which grow lit 24hrs (or so I'm told). Also, I have the plants about an inch from the CFL..too close??

Thanks again!!!!! Just trying to read all I can and hopefully grow some stash. I appreciate your input and opinion!


Well-Known Member
You can never have 2 much light mate.. Get them as close as you can without burning the leaves, also get a fan in there to move the air around.. I'm growing 2 fem lowryders at the moment and they are good to grow. Tip... Keeep the light on a min of 18 hours a day and they will grow to a big size.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Great...Thanks. Actually, I was going to add (2) more 27 watt you think 6 will be enough? I am growing lowriders which grow lit 24hrs (or so I'm told). Also, I have the plants about an inch from the CFL..too close??

Thanks again!!!!! Just trying to read all I can and hopefully grow some stash. I appreciate your input and opinion!
with cfls you want to keep them 1-3 inches from the plant. you might want to look into getting some high watt cfls.i use a 125w. i have found that the high watt cfls run cooler then the smaller watt cfls. gl on your grow. may you be cursed with many buds.


Active Member
I have always done 18/6 with auto's, and it seems to have worked well. Just do not over nute then as they will burn very easily. I only use 1/4 strength nutes once per week with a little mollasses. You can work your way up to find out what the cutoff is with your plants. I always figured they are meant to be small anyway so why try and over nute them.