Grow Box Setup.


Alright guys. This may be a bitch but im doing some research and need help with my setup im about to build.

So far i got a 4'x4' wooden doghouse ( everythings cleaned out. Its about 3/4'' thick. It was made to keep my dog warm a few years ago but we sold him before he ever used it.

Im going to put keep this outside, and spraypaint it woody colors and plant it in the woods. ( this isnt by anyone who would just go opening the shit up.. ittl be off path. Im going to drill holes and shit for the wiring and so forth.. Yes i know it sounds weird. But im doing an indoor setup outside. Whe the fuck not. Its too cold and the sun cycles where i live are in the winter solstice already and my plant wouldnt have a chance unless it could grow through 37 degree lows. and that will eventually go down to about 30 degrees. But remember, this house was made to retain heat and im going to probably hook a heater up if the lights dont put enough heat off with it already being insulated.

But what i need help is from you guys. I need someone who actually will take their time to list all the shit i need or shit they have in similar boxes.

I have 3 choices of places i can mainly use for my setup. Lowes, Homedepot, and Walmart.

Im going to grow 2 plants in it, or roughly 3.

Im going to grow them as high as i can. Roughly 3 feet or 3 1/2 tall.

I want to run my system off CFL's.

I dont care about odors. Its outside.

Will ventilation be neccessary? if so list cheap fans and ect..

So i really need to know:

Lighting & bulbs
Mylar for reflection

and anything else is necessary. Itd be great if one of you guys could help me out.

Also i need a ballpark price of all this. Im trying to spend as less as i can with getting good product. i dont need some fancy ass grow room/hydropontic shit. Just the basics to get a good grow and yeild.


i know but i need some damn materials listed. not that i can do it. ive done it before. i need supplies not prayers haha


Well-Known Member
Lol that won't be too easy to bust
Just follow the 100 foot extension cord to his house
Why not just grow indoors inside your house?
Much safer and I don't really see any benefits from doing it that way...


Well-Known Member
i agree... bad idea... grow in your closet, any closet.... or make a grow tent... you need a small storage thingy, like this sort of thing but made out of metal, i've seen it at Ross and Marshalls for 10 bux:

also a outdoor BBQ cover, and some CFL's... and that's it

just set the storage thingy up, wire it with all the CFL's inside it, and put the cover on (make sure it's nice and flush at the bottom to prevent leaks).....

or use a cardboard box... do anything but don't do that crazy box in the woods thing.... someone's gonna walk up thinking it's a coffin........


Active Member

so you plan to have extention cords running from your property to the said location of the box? in the event that someone finds this box and doesn't steal the plants or equipment and they call the cops its gonna be awfully hard to convince them that you had no idea whats going on....


no yall have it all wrong. I have a pool system running behind my fence. it has a outlet connected to it that no one uses about 10 feet in the woods. First of all no one uses it. Second of all its not hard to dig a trench and run the cord in it and put dirt over it. Its winter and only like 2 times a month someone comes to check the system and not the outlet. Im not running the cord from the house. The power source is deep in the woods. Im wanting to run that cord to the box.

And another thing.. the box is sitting down in the ground. The top of the where i open it is level with the ground and has dirt all over it. you could survey the ground and not ever know where it is, the rest of the 3ft box is laying in a 3ft hole with dirt filling the holes and the surroundings of the box. and the sides.. Its off path and its completely unoticable. Youd be an idiot to walk to where it is. Youd have to go through a good 10 ft long poison sumac/ Thornbush infested area.

The locationg and power isnt the problem people. I need to know the supplies of what to put in the box.