Grow-box Open Forum

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Hey, just thought I'd start a thread all about grow-boxes and other stealth grow methods, as I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd appreciate a second opinion. Lighting, growth mediums, ventilation and odour reduction could all be good topics to touch on so if you've got something to contribute by all means, speak up. Look forward to hearing others people's thoughts and ideas on the topic.
Happy growin', cheers, Sarge


New Member
Here's what I grow in:

Rubbermaid Storage Sheds Center - Save on Rubbermaid Sheds at Rubbermaid Storage Sheds.Com

I bought mine at Home Depot on sale for $200.00 and it included delivery. *lol*

I've modified it quite a bit. I lined the walls with particle board and painted it white. The unit has double wall construction, so its easy to drill holes for hanging lights, mounting fans, etc. I have a TurboGarden set up for aerophonics, with a 600 HPS in there and it all fits perfectly. The doors are lockable and with a little duct tape, its light-proof as well. Over the past five years, pounds upon pounds of the dank have come out of that little storage shed.



Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about ordering a pre-made stealth box. I hear they are thermal-detective proof.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about ordering a pre-made stealth box. I hear they are thermal-detective proof.

OR for very stealthy grow, grow in a computer tower, the bigget one i could find could hold me 4-5 plants and very good space. It had a lock so i didnt have to worry bout anyone getting to them (parentals) and it looks like a computer too, with lights coming from them it looks like its a comp I use a reg comp fan for ventilation so it has every characteristic of a running comp. Plus the setup i used cost me about 200 dollas altogether including lights fans blah blah blah so this is way cheaper than buying a $600 premade "stealth" grow box


Well-Known Member
I'm a lazy bastard who'd rather not put the effort into making my own. Thanks for the advice though. Also, that must be one HUGE computer tower. Pictures?