Grow box for breeding.


Well-Known Member
I have been wanting to breed some plants for the seeds, I have read many places that the pollen can travel fast and far.. I am curious if I build a grow cabinet and put it outside in my garage away from my plants in the house do you think it would be ok? Here is my plan

The grow cabinet i am planning on building will be sealed tight, In the top I plan on having drip line tubes for feeding and have a cut out for a piece of plexiglass bolted and siliconed so i can look in on the progress. I will cover the glass with something like panda film to keep the light cycle from being affected. Now the question i have is this. For the air circulation i am going to have a air filter off a bulldozer to clean the air coming in the cabinet and a 6" flange from home depot to make it fit a 6" duct, then a fan to blow it in to help with temp and freshness. On the outbound side I am looking for some type of heppa filter or something to keep the pollen from escaping. When the girls are knocked up i will stop watering the male so it doesn't take up the cabinet and give the girls more room to grow. Once i think it is clear i will open the box and bag it for disposal. The thing i am not sure about is this. What kind of filter will keep the pollen from escaping?? i will be grateful for any tips on grow boxes or setup ideas. I have not began building it yet but will only take me a weekend to build it.


Active Member
I've thought about doing a filter where the output has to bubble through water ~like a bong

probably too much "stoner ingenuity" there but; w/ filtration, you probably have more concerns from hitchhikers on your clothing than pollen on the wind. {if your 2 cabs are in separate buildings}


Well-Known Member
I've thought about doing a filter where the output has to bubble through water ~like a bong

probably too much "stoner ingenuity" there but; w/ filtration, you probably have more concerns from hitchhikers on your clothing than pollen on the wind. {if your 2 cabs are in separate buildings}
The cabinet i am going to build will be in a detached garage. My other plants are in the house in winter and outside down over the hill in summer. I am thinking i will only have pollen on my clothes when i pull the male. Ill just throw them in the washer before coming in the house i guess, then take a shower. I like the bong idea, ill see what i can come up with, maybe use a 20 gallon container from home depot or something. ill need to keep an eye on the humidity. Thanks for the idea..


Active Member
I'm not convinced water would filter pollen effectively. I'd suggest a hepa filter put on your exhaust. Hepa will remove the pollen but they're a bit pricey.


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced water would filter pollen effectively. I'd suggest a hepa filter put on your exhaust. Hepa will remove the pollen but they're a bit pricey.
Thanks, The hepa filter was my first thought but i have never used one before and was not sure if it would do the job.


Active Member
I used hepa filters in my mushroom propagation. They remove spores which are typically finer particulate than pollen. It's definitely your best choice but also the most expensive.


Active Member
bubbling through water was more of a "I've thought about this too" point than a valid suggestion. Not saying it wouldn't be effective but it's un-proven


Well-Known Member
Ill probably build a small box and just put a replacement filter cartrage inside it and have the air blow trough it.