Grow box conditions, ph problem please help!

Hello everyone, was just going to make a post to see if anyone could diagnose a problem for me. I have attempted to grow several plants but all except one just about failed. The first few I used an organic soil and the plants never really took off (probably ph issue). The second set of plants I attempted to grow had very slow growth. I planted the germinated seeds in roots organic soil. Understanding that the soil has been know to be acidic and cause ph problems I added dolomite lime to my soil. I watered the young plants about once every few days, they never showed signs of over or under watering. The small leaves on the plants were perky and looked healthy although they were way too small for their age. My current plant is in roots organic with lime added and is about 3 weeks old. She Has about 3 leaf sets and they are very small (about 2 inches in length). Considering I added lime to my soil, and the ph of my water is right around 7, Im just not quite sure whats causing the stunted growth. I thought maybe its my setup. I grow in a 3ft tall cabinet with a 12v intake fan, and two fans inside to promote air circulation. I have a 100w cfl, 6500k, bulb per plant (right now only one b/c i only have one plant right now). The light is about 2'' from the top of the plant and is on for 18 hours a day. The average temp is 75 degrees F. The cabinet is in my basement where its decently humid. If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do that would be great. PS: I just planted another seed about a day ago in FF light warrior to see if it will give me a better success with growing bigger healthier seedlings.
Heres my setup and my current plant which is about 3 weeks old. I just transplanted it into approximately 80% FF light warrior and about 20% FF ocean forest about 2 days ago to see if that would help her.
Grow box pic 1.jpgGrow box pic 2.jpggrow box pic 3.jpggrow box pic 4.jpggrow box pic 5.jpg