"GROW BIG" during Flowering?


Well-Known Member
i apologize for jacking your thread did not meaN TO INVADE just ment to give u some avise


to much nitrogen. The plant stops taking in as much nitrogen when it starts flowering. you will either burn it or nute lock it. dont do it. I use FF products as well. use one or the other!
This might be old but I will still call you out on your BULLSHIT, I can't stand people like you on these threads talking about shit you don't even know. Grow big is supposed to be used in veg AND flowering, it gives plants sturdy branches and also helps with bigger flowers. If you believe this fucking moron over me then go right on the fox farm website and read the feeding chart, or better yet go to the FAQ's and they will explain everything.


Well-Known Member
I am following their chart and using all three when directed. I have had no burn issues. I did run into some problems that I am 99% sure were PH related and now solved so I think I had some lockout. I also started adding in Cal-Mag and it seems to be working well. Maybe I don't need it, but since I had some lockout, I read the calcium is supposed to help absorb the other stuff. I also started adding in drip clean. I need it for my drip system to keep the tubes clean but it also helps to avoid salt buildup. You can check out my journal to see. I posted yesterday about how I diagnosed and fixed my probs from a newbie POV, good read for fellow newbies trying to figure shit out.