grow bible says u can get 20 ounces per plant


Active Member
man, this cannabis grow bible told me that using the right genetics u can yield about 20 ounces per 1kw single bulb. and that experinced growers can go high as 40 is this true? and what is the average yield amount per plant


Well-Known Member
lol the grow bible fuckin lied.Maybe if you scrog and veg for 2 or 3 months. That is good if you have a limit on number of plants. I have grown some extremely high yeilding plants, and only got 7-8 a plant. Most strains are WAY less


Well-Known Member
Ha isn't that 1lb 4 oz. per plant. No way man not unless you grow a fucking tree. btw wrong section...again.


Active Member
Did you mean to say you can get 20-40oz per 1kw bulb? That being any number of plants that fit in the area, it makes more sense.


Well-Known Member
true that i achive 2 lbs with 1000watt of hps, it fills a small area so in theory one plant could fill that area that i usually do 6 plants in, it would just be a big mofo about 5' x 5'


Well-Known Member
Damn, i've seen indoor plants yield 200-400 gramms ( dried )

thats like 20 oz.... its not something abnormal, very common here ..... bla bla bla ... ^^

Most ppl yield less then they imagin but if you do it correct dream can fullfilled ^^


Forget the grow bible I must be the grow god it is possable to get 45 oz from one plant under one 600w well thats the story i heard and i have bared whitness to 32oz one plant one 600w (now befor you all tell me that i am fucking bullshitting dont bother i have heard it al befor) The miimum you would expect using the secret tecnique is 20oz one plant one 600w light and thats an ok result that you shoud not be prowd of. my backgroud is one of science and horticulture and the man who got 45oz is a professor and quite the perfectionist. The fact is that almoast all growers are lazy fucking stoners that dont pay enough attention to there pants needs, and think they can skip on some very important parts of the whole tecnique. because they know best, they have been doing it for years. wel thats why they get shit results. over and out..............


if your not doing some type of sea of green method from what ive read and gottin from master growers i know 1light=1pound but the yield depends on your plants environment and everything you bring into it water, medium, light ,air just keep reading.


Well-Known Member
I dont know. What i do know is you have to throw away the bible and get some hands on experience, aim for a couple of oz per plant to start with.


Well-Known Member
Ill swy it two years late....almost 3 lbs off one plant under a 600 watt? Bull fucking shit to the highest degree. Even on LARGE (read more surface area than will fit under a 600) plants grown under the Sun 3 lbs is an achievement. Im telling you i dont even believe the 32 oz story. Especially since its an "i heard" "i know a guy" story. The only way ill even consider this remotely possible is with a 6 month+ veg time. In which case big fucking deal. I can grow more than 32 oz in 8-9 months.

Forget the grow bible I must be the grow god it is possable to get 45 oz from one plant under one 600w well thats the story i heard and i have bared whitness to 32oz one plant one 600w (now befor you all tell me that i am fucking bullshitting dont bother i have heard it al befor) The miimum you would expect using the secret tecnique is 20oz one plant one 600w light and thats an ok result that you shoud not be prowd of. my backgroud is one of science and horticulture and the man who got 45oz is a professor and quite the perfectionist. The fact is that almoast all growers are lazy fucking stoners that dont pay enough attention to there pants needs, and think they can skip on some very important parts of the whole tecnique. because they know best, they have been doing it for years. wel thats why they get shit results. over and out..............


Well-Known Member
Leave him be. Its been priven with time n effort and various techniques combined a plant geown indoor can potentially beat the thumb of rulw of the average decent grower getting 0.4-0.7gpw and the expert 0.8-1.2gpw now there are also those who put even more deicated time than the experts out there n strive to find a yield that works for them as in greater sizes per plant using the fewest or only 1 plant. What is implausible is that we tend to forget or not realise that on our dirst few grows or maybe hust our first we most tend not to hit targets but with room for improvement this is ammended on a new grow, coreect? Now as you complete over say 5 harvest with wach u aim for more or to better the techniques you have aquired n find suit u and u try to better them. Same goes for the frower who uses a 400-600w hps to produce a pound or jus a few ounces under a pound over 2/3 plants which I believe a lot of you guys accept is possible with a good enough given veg time and conditions, nutrients, and care. That grower too is going to look to try improve his method n readjust his space n planning to experiment whilst doing the same as before I.e using 1 less plant using a bigger bucket and a couple extra weeks vwg.

What you find mind boggling and challenging is not going to be that the same for all others may share that problem with many other a multitude compared to just a mere few but thats whyan open mind is good so u can think, evaluate argue n come to an conclusion that maybe if I try n learn it may be done, just maybe!

Ill swy it two years late....almost 3 lbs off one plant under a 600 watt? Bull fucking shit to the highest degree. Even on LARGE (read more surface area than will fit under a 600) plants grown under the Sun 3 lbs is an achievement. Im telling you i dont even believe the 32 oz story. Especially since its an "i heard" "i know a guy" story. The only way ill even consider this remotely possible is with a 6 month+ veg time. In which case big fuckinal. I can grow more than 32 oz in 8-9 months.


Well-Known Member
i get a little over 20 ounces every run with my 4x4 and 480w light. I dont see what the number of different organisms has anything to do with it but i usually grow between 2-4. One big plant in the same tent with the same light would yield the same as four small ones, so..

anyway, yes your bible is generally correct