Grow bags (longevity)?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys/gals. I've never used grow bags before and I was thinking of ordering some because they're so cheap ($5.00 for a ten pack at Also, they are almost square shaped which makes them space efficient.

My question is how long do they last? How many grows can I get out of them?



Junior Creatologist
im usin them right now, n im probably gonna be using them for my next grow too. They take up less space, and theyre durable (believe me, lol). As far as longevity, i can see using them over and over again, and no doubt that they would last through an entire grow.

n they give a REALLY good runoff. anything the plant doesnt need gets drained out of the drain holes REALLY fast - they dont retain extra water - thats actually one of my favorite things about the bags.

so, 5 gal bags take up about 9 sq ", and the three gal bags take up about 7 sq ". Pretty decent for keeping things fitted in a cramped growing space man.

hope that helped out :D


Well-Known Member
quick question, won't the fact that its a bag constantly disturb the roots when its moved ??


Well-Known Member
What about when its time to transplant to a bigger bag/pot? Does the soil and root ball slide out without problems? This is important as I really don't want to hurt the roots come transplant time.