GROW 2011. OG kush #18, Violator Kush, NYC x Sour Diesel, Power Skunk.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro I am looking fwd to the pic's too brotha! Sucks your laptop is down! I bet you have some little mosters! If I were you keep track of the height of your plants when you switch them to flower and record how much stretch you get from them. That way next time you will know how that strain reacts when switched to flower.
Oh yeah they are little monsters for sure, they all would be over 2 ft if they where not lst'd, but the Power Skunk is not lst'd and for a free seed im pretty impressed its a gorgeous strain im in love with it. stays nice in stature and didnt even need LST it is an has been exploding with pre flowers for weeks now, letting me know its ready to be flowered doesnt bush out to much a real indoor friendly strain... It sux my laptop is only 9 months old and never had any problems untill now and i think it might be hardware but im still with in my warranty so ill be sending it back to the company when i get the chance.\

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey bro free seeds aren't shit seeds! Breeders put them out there for you to try hopeing that you will like them and buy more! Kinda like the old lady that hands out free cheese samples at the store, they want you to like it and buy more.


Well-Known Member
Laptop is in the shop... pics will soon be here dont worry. I fed all the ladies 777 ppm of food todaywhich included calmag - sweet - liquid karma - pure blend pro grow - pure blend pro bloom. Im thinking about getting that purple maxx stuff since three of my strains have purp genes and that stuff would enhance that aspect of them... also yesterday i fed a 440 ppm diet of the same asformentioned ingrediants to all and felt id better step it up because they have not had food since flushing amost three weeks ago and started to see a little bit of nitrogen deffeciency so i know they are all fairly hungry, I think that purple maxx increases resin production too. I absoulutley needed a carbon filter and bought a used one but i dont think it was as gently used as the seller claimed cause it works but not all that well maybe 50% of the smell is gone at best. So i was forced to order a new one cause these are some stinky bitches! should be here in a couple days. my tent is all set up and flowering for 5 days now.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering if you could have drilled some holes in the carbon filter that you bought used and replaced the carbon? Since you bought a new one maybe fuck with the old one and see if you can replace the carbon. I am sure you can get some on ebay or pet store for cheap! Just a thought brotha. Can't wait to see some pic's, I am sure the ladies are looking great!


Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering if you could have drilled some holes in the carbon filter that you bought used and replaced the carbon? Since you bought a new one maybe fuck with the old one and see if you can replace the carbon. I am sure you can get some on ebay or pet store for cheap! Just a thought brotha. Can't wait to see some pic's, I am sure the ladies are looking great!
yea i thought about it but i read its more economical to just get a new one, i also read that u would need a mchine to pack the carbon as well asthe company first did when manufacturing it so i didnt really want to deal with it . lol


Well-Known Member
so i have a buddy in a non medical state and he grows in a fourplex apartment and a couple days ago he came home and found a note on his front door and the note read. "Might want to invest in some ozone generators, its starting to smell... $20 bucks home depot sincerely phyllis." now there is no phyllis in his building so thats obviously a made up name and ive been in his place and you cant really smell anything untill your in the room with the plants and even then its faint... im the only one who knows except for his dog lol. The whole situation is bizzare to say the least nut its making him paranoid and he is wondering if he should stop... his set up is just two large plants under a 400 hps, i didnt know what to tell him and im not sure what i would do if i were in his situation so i came on here to ask fellow rollitupers what would you do? would he get raided if he got snitched on? how would something like this go down? and would you keep going or stop? 7-8 weeks of flower left to go should he?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well my honest opinion is that someone knows for sure but doesn't want to tell on him! If it was a snitch then they would have just called the cops and he would be cuffed up right now! If I were him I would get a filter for sure, and try to keep it low key. It is up to him weather or not to stop, but if I was in a state that wan't legal I would for sure invest in some filters! I have my card and on days when it isn't windy here you can smell my shit BAD at the driveway! LOL :P But the cops can come here anyday they want! Your friend obviously doesn't have that so I would tell him to get some filters or maybe even shut it down for 3-6 months and see if the cops come. Better safe than sorry, going to jail over some plants is a real stupid thing to go to jail for!


Well-Known Member
going to jail over some plants is a real stupid thing to go to jail for![/QUOTE said:
agreed going to jail for a plant is so stupid. I didnt want to be the one to tell him he should stop, say nothing does come of it, id be the reason he stopped lol. Now here is something else we pondered the guy who lives in the apt below him is prolly the only one who would be able to smell anything at all and he and him arent exactly on good terms and the hand writing on the note seemed like a young mans handwriting and he is the only nieghbor who fits that discreption. So i was thinking what if there was an instance of black mail or revenge ? that would suck. Oh yea we know everyone in the building tokes except one nieghbor but they are a young couple with a kid and they might smoke but not for sure. So how could anyone know for sure unless they actually saw everything with their own two eyes and how do they know they are not just smelling pot smoke or really dank weed out of the container? does that change ur opinion?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
No not really bro cus I have been ratted on many times for stupid shit and I never understood why people have to fucking rat people out! The bottom line is that he is running a risk, he should get some filters for sure and check on state laws where he is to see what cops have to do to get a search warrent. If there is no smell then the cops have no reason to come into his place. If they do show up and there is no smell or contraband then they have no reason to search his place. If a stupid neighbor told on him but there is no proof then the cops can't come in.


Ok bro I was wonder just how you were going to get that much out of four plants. I veg for about the same time and the Kush doesn't put out as much as other plants. I also use 7 gal pots, so I would highly reccomend using them for a veg that long, they would get root bound in a 5 gal bucket!
I dont know why people think plants get root bound. The only strain that you may have to worry with is lemon skunk. I just veged 50 sour deisel in 1 gallon pots for a month and flowerd them with no problems. The only thing is you will be watering eod mid flower.


at the end of the day the cops will make somthing up and search your house. They are the most crooked people in the world. The key is to not give them a reason ever to even look at you. If your growing without filters then you are just asking for it.