Grow #2 vegging under 600w mh light, flowering under 2 x 1000w hps


As I was getting close to finishing my first grow:

I decided to get a small box for vegging to get the next round ready.

Started with 18 clones from a local collective, half DJ Blueberry Short and half Einstein.

Here are pics from a day after starting them:

These are from tonight:

Up close of DJ Short Blueberry:

Up close of best looking Einstein:

This is one of the Einsteins that's having trouble. I already threw out 3 of them after they died, looking a little worse but similar to this one. It was all clones from the back of the box and only Einstein palants were having any trouble. I've since moved those to the front and will see what happened.

Does this look like heat damage to you guys? I'm assuming that the Einstein strain is more heat sensitive than the DJ Short Blueberry? Anyone have experience with this?




So I've been neglecting this journal some but here's an update and pics.

Kept the girls under the 600mh for 2 weeks after last pics and then for a week under the 2 1000w hps lights with co2 to veg another week. 4 days ago I started the 12/12 schedule and they're looking real strong in there.

Here are the DJ Short Blueberry:

Here are the Einstein:

These are the Black Domina. They only got a week of veg since they were brought in to replace the clones that died. Still looking pretty strong:

Top view of the Black Domina:

Top view of the Einstein:

Top view of the DJ Short Blueberry:




Well-Known Member
I'm a rockwool cube/slab grower as well. If I may offer a little advice. First off, for such a small veg area, you could get by with far fewer watts than a 600. I'd suggest T5's for veg, and use the 600 as an intermediate staging light, such as weeks 4-6,7, then put the plants into the flower room under the 1000's. Also, you've got a serious calcium deficiency in your plants from the looks of things. Get some Plant Amp from Cutting Edge to take care of it, or later you're going to be wishing you did. good luck!


I'm a rockwool cube/slab grower as well. If I may offer a little advice. First off, for such a small veg area, you could get by with far fewer watts than a 600. I'd suggest T5's for veg, and use the 600 as an intermediate staging light, such as weeks 4-6,7, then put the plants into the flower room under the 1000's. Also, you've got a serious calcium deficiency in your plants from the looks of things. Get some Plant Amp from Cutting Edge to take care of it, or later you're going to be wishing you did. good luck!
Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll add some today.


This is only happing to the top of the plants, anyone know?

I had this happening last time too one some plants. Is it a feeding/nute issue? Temp??

FYI, it's not really that red in there, iphone camera sucks.

