Grow #2 - Indoor, CFLs (violator kush, super lemon haze, purple haze, orange bud)!


Well-Known Member
My attitude order just came in this afternoon, and I already have some of the seeds swimming in shotglasses filled with mineral water!

This time around, I have all feminized seeds, and will be growing the following:

Barney's farm Violator Kush.
Greenhouse seeds Super Lemon Haze.
Ceres seeds Orange Bud.
G13 labs Purple haze.

Seeing as i haven't really started anything yet, here are a few pictures to show the germ process!

I am using an old CFL box to cover the glasses, keeping light out.

Hope all goes well!


As usual, comments, critiques and suggestions are gladly welcomed!

Spare me the trouble of asking you twice; Please keep this thread about MY GROW. As much as I like seeing what everyone else is up to, I am writing this log for any users, myself included, that may be growing the same, or similar strains, with such a setup.
Littering the board with random chat, and pictures/queries of your grow help no one but you, so, unless the post you make is relevant to what I am posting, keep it away from here!

I am always looking to help, and to learn. If there is anything unrelated to this journal that you may be curious about, feel free to drop me a Private message, linking to your journal/post!

I would be more than happy to swing by!


Well-Known Member
most all yu have is on my nex list.violator kush buds looks sik,really want to do it,,sounds like yure on ure way bro.


Well-Known Member
i usually put my seeds qarter inch deep in seedling soil using seedling nute in bottle water,get 98% germ rate.


Well-Known Member
Damn! I wish I could get some of these things locally... I simply cannot afford to import all of it!

Hopefully all 4 seeds germinate. They are from attitude, which I believe is a reputable seed bank.
Additionally, the breeders are all pretty recognised names! I think i'll be OK on this one!

The VK is gonna be great! For the longest time now, I have been smoking Sativas. The Indica couch lock stone should be something to look forward to!

Next update once seeds sink down them glasses!


Well-Known Member
Now, just throwing this out there for some ideas for the future of this grow.

How much will the strains I am growing smell once they are flowering - drying and curing?
I can't have my house mates know about my girls!
Need to start plotting options to conceal the odor.

Figured I best start preparing now!


Well-Known Member
Ok! It's time for another update!

The shot glass method is working so far! The seeds have all sunk to the bottom of their glasses, and have somewhat plumped and brightened up. Looks like a good sign!


I will now carry on germinating the seeds in a plastic sandwich box, with damp cotton wool (filtered water) acting as the support medium for the seeds.
The four seeds each occupy a space close to a corner, on which a clear label depicting the strain is mounted.
The sandwich box is then covered in a cardboard box to block out light. I threw this directly into the grow cab alongside my other plant, as it is constantly at about 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
I covered the box in an old heavy t shirt. This ensure no light gets in from anywhere!
Hopefully this will work!


I am going to kill my previous journal so I can devote myself to this one. That being said, Here are some pictures of my current grow (now 5 days flowering)
This is an African Sativa hailing from the Kilimanjaro mountain area.
The other turned male, so hopefully I will have better luck with this one!
Here are a few shots!


The future looks bright! Bright orange!
I just went to the superstore and picked up a few sturdy 5 gallon buckets.

These are the vessels in which my maturing plants will be grown!

Seeing as they are buckets and not planters, I still need to drill a few drainage holes into the bottom of each of them!


Comments welcome!
Thanks! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Not germed yet! I guess it's been less than 24 hours... PATIENCE!

I decided, even though its going to be another week or two at least, before we move into the orange planters, I would get ahead on them!

Drilled a bunch of 8mm holes in the base for drainage purposes.
Looks adequate to me!
Will post some pictures soon! (the internet connection is on the fritz. Trying to upload anything would be futile).
Any tips on speeding up/optimizing the germination stage?

I would rather not mess this one up! Last time, I started with four plants, and killed two before they got an inch high!


Well-Known Member
Pictures of the Pots for my pot!

Punched 23, 8mm holes into the bottom of each of these guys.

I also have my seedlings wrapped in blackout, under an incandescent bulb for warmth.

It happens to be the coldest week of the year... Only 13 degrees outside right now!

I am also trying to figure out how and where to grow these guys... The pots are HUGE! (16 inches diameter at widest part.

Will need a cab 32x32x about 1.5 meters high... How would you stealth this?



Well-Known Member
Hey D there is a great DIY for cheap carbon filters on here you should check that out, im going to build one, go to the DIY thread!! Cheers man on the stellar strains, hope the all grow green for ya!!

Now, just throwing this out there for some ideas for the future of this grow.

How much will the strains I am growing smell once they are flowering - drying and curing?
I can't have my house mates know about my girls!
Need to start plotting options to conceal the odor.

Figured I best start preparing now!


Well-Known Member
Hey LIC. Thanks for swinging by! I will check out that DIY scrubber ASAP! Guess I better build and keep it handy!
I am uber excited for all the strains (except the orange bud. I hear poor reviews).
Updates as thins happen!


Well-Known Member
So just for shits and giggles, I have my Magus genetics Motavation (fem) floating in a shot glass.
I will be germinating it, so I can throw her into a soil grow, outdoors, 12/12.

Lets see how well she does!

At the moment, the super lemon haze and the orange bud have cracked. Still waiting on the other 3.
Updates once they crack!


Well-Known Member
yu do have those germing in the dark right?also a seedling nute breaks the time in half......o ok i'm glad to hear they cracked.


Well-Known Member
They are in a warm dark drawer! Just noticed that the Violator Kush has cracked as well!

Just the purple haze to go!

The motavation just went in now, so still gotta wait it out 24 or so hrs.


Well-Known Member
My warlock and motavation both looked really great to begin with. Juiciest most awesome looking seeds out of the batch!

The SLH was the quickest to sprout, after 6 hours in a shot glass, and about 10 more between the damp cotton.
The VK, SLH and OB will go into soil tomorrow.\\

Hope the PH and thw motavation crack soon!


Active Member
Subscribed as I have some violator kush and slh seeds I will be starting in next few weeks. :)


Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff xivex!

The seeds will be going into soil this afternoon, hopefully!

So far, the purple haze and motavation still ain't cracked :(

The Violator Kush just barely cracked, and has not changed much since last night...

Hopefully all 3 will be in better shape by this afternoon!


Active Member
Great job so far and good luck with your grow.

I got some orange bud going right now. I put it into flower today so hopefully it will turn out female....The Orange Bud seeds were given to me from a friend that has grown it before. He told me it tastes exactly like an orange that gets you high. I've always liked oranges so when he told me that I was like.....awesome. He gave me some KC brains , and some Blackjack, but i haven't grown those out yet. Keep up the great work!

Ill sub to your journal to see how your OB progresses.

Peace and positive energy to you



Well-Known Member
Thank you for the positive energy! Going to need it!

Updates in about 20 minutes.