Grow #1 Sour Diesel 250w Homemade Enclousure


Well-Known Member
Grow space- I built an 4ft x 4ft x 7ft enclosure in my garage.It is constructed of 2x2 firring strips , coverd with 4 mil black visqueen with insulation inbetween.
Walls are covered with mylar . I used from home depot they have a version of heatshielding(aka the reflective stuff with the air bubbles)much cheaper than products geared toward horticulture but much cheaper. I used this in the ceiling to help with heat from light and to block IR.
This whole system was cheaper than a tent and i believe it is way better insulated to protect against heat / cold.

Equipment- 20 x 19 air cooled hood, 250 w mh for veg ,250 w hps for flowering.
4 in can fan pulls hot air from the ceiling through the light and out through the top exhaust port. Intake is at the bottom a 4in duct port with short pice of duct to prevent light from coming in.
8 in stationary fan for circulation
Humidifyer to somewhat control humidity and it has a cooling effect in the room. I just run it on a timer 30 on 30 off .Humidistat is on my wishlist.

Nutrients- Age Old Organics dry blend grow and flower mix.Jamaican bat gauno, AOO dry kelp also .

Water- started with distilled . I<M using my tap water after having it set out now ph is 6.8 out the tap.Experimenting with molassas in the water.Using 1tbsp to a gallon every watering .

Medium-FFOF staight no ammendments(wish i added something to make it drain better (: .IN 3 gallon pot .

Bug control- Insecticidal soap , neem based concentrate,and an permethum concentrate.Sticky traps also.



Well-Known Member
Thanks had some spider mites in early flowering , Now there gone and she seems to be taking off again .New leaves at bud sites Thank God I lost many due to the spider mites .Shes 32 days in now.


Well-Known Member
Spider mites are definately gone now , although still watching out for them and taking preventative measures . Buds have continued to flower and getting much more foilage at bud now. Believe me thats good after all the leaves i lost to the mites. I have determined the sour diesel to be a 9 wk flower time , and that puts me just over 4 weeks in now .



Well-Known Member
They look like they should be further a long, but they were probably just stunted a little by the mite infestation...



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks man ! Its been aggravating but slowly but surely they are filling in. Week 7 coming up supposed to be a nine wk clone so hope it takes off. My number one mistake on this grow was straight FFOF soil it has compacted so bad and takes forever to dry out .


Use FFOF and FF Happy Frog. Then put a layer or 2 at the bottom of your pot with clay pebbles. Great drainage and great mix of soil.


Well-Known Member
Actually gonna go with FFOF and Light Warrior 1to1 with added perlite . I hear mixed opinions about lining the bottom with pepples.


Well-Known Member
Actually gonna go with FFOF and Light Warrior 1to1 with added perlite . I hear mixed opinions about lining the bottom with pepples.
Grow's looking good! I use 75% FFOF mixed with 25% perlite with an inch of perlite on the bottom of the bucket; great drainage


Well-Known Member
Thanks purp ! Yeah I,m begeining to think thats a marketing ploy with fox farms they blend there soil so it stays wett forcing u to buy a bag of there 30 dollar perlite !


Well-Known Member
Yeah I,ve noticed you can get perlite for cheap but fing fox farms only sells the big bag and mark it up like hell .I hate corporate America !