groupbuy on CXBs?


Well-Known Member
was about to put an order together and am over 50, is there anybody that does pricebreaks at 50 or alternatively could we get a few more people together and get an order for 100?

i see cree's datasheets say a 'case' of 3590s is 50, but 3070s are 100lot
I dont know if Cutter was ever cheaper in the end was he? He was only cheaper because he shipped the slowest method possible. And he didnt have the stock that Jerry did so how would he fulfill large orders? Correct me if I am wrong though.
i can never figure out cutters pricing with the discounts and shipping and stuff

jerry is $48 out the door for 3590s with reflectors and holders, plus a flat $40 for shipping
I dont know if Cutter was ever cheaper in the end was he? He was only cheaper because he shipped the slowest method possible. And he didnt have the stock that Jerry did so how would he fulfill large orders? Correct me if I am wrong though.

My order from Cutter was here the same time my order from Rapidled, ordered on the same day... 4 days to get here... My order from Jerry took a week and a half and much longer to confirm the order. I love both places and am more then happy to do business with both... ;)
I dont know if Cutter was ever cheaper in the end was he? He was only cheaper because he shipped the slowest method possible. And he didnt have the stock that Jerry did so how would he fulfill large orders? Correct me if I am wrong though.
Who has been trying to order from cutte and them not be able to fill it. I have read this a couple times so far, yet no one has actually said...hey they couldn't place MY order. Who is the "MY" and actually had this happen. Not saying it didn't happen, but who was it and how big an order? Cause jerry's stock is not big either. And I have had him not fill orders, or take weeks to accumulate enough to fill.
i did 3 orders with Cutter the only issue was Me not knowing they were closed for a holiday
3-4 day shipping each time one time i ordered on sunday nite /monday4 them & got them
thursday about noon
the packing was excellent , I'm stickler for well packed expensive items
Mark says they have B/O's filled in 2 days from Cree
Who has been trying to order from cutte and them not be able to fill it. I have read this a couple times so far, yet no one has actually said...hey they couldn't place MY order. Who is the "MY" and actually had this happen. Not saying it didn't happen, but who was it and how big an order? Cause jerry's stock is not big either. And I have had him not fill orders, or take weeks to accumulate enough to fill.
Maybe months and months ago Jerry was like that... Hes had good stock of most everything for awhile now. Occasionally runs out of this or that, but thats pretty normal. Also, I thought Cutter was selling 3590 for $42? What happened to that? I am seeing $44 on his site w/ the code.

And if Cutter is going with 3-4 day shipping for cheaper, sounds like the savings is there. Maybe Ill try him out my next order.
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I ordered 8 COBs with holders from Cutter. The same day I ordered drivers from southern California. Shipping to Oregon, both packages arrived on the same day! I could not believe shipping from Australia would be so quick.
Hi Guys
Just to clarify our base price is AUD, so our site polls an Exchange Rate server to calculate USD, this is fluid as both rates are subject to a fair bit of change.I have adjusted our prices to reflect current purchases in terms of what you guys buy and how to deliver you best value. Your buying mostly in the 5-10 pcs range so with the discount/price break this comes out at USD42.10 ea. ie Site price 5-9 pcs is AUD68.03=USD46.26, based on AUD1=USD0.68, less CUTANDROLL discount =USD42.09, 10 pcs up gets even better. Be happy to do deals on 50 or 100 pcs, single or matched CCT's.
As I mentioned in another thread Im not here to cut anyone's lunch, just to provide a pricing contrast with a great service, if I reduce cost and KB does the same, then the benefits are to you guys. We are also looking to increase our kit offerings to include power supplies and heatsinks. To all of you who have purchased so far, want to say thank you and hope your happy with the product offerings
Maybe months and months ago Jerry was like that... Hes had good stock of most everything for awhile now. Occasionally runs out of this or that, but thats pretty normal. Also, I thought Cutter was selling 3590 for $42? What happened to that? I am seeing $44 on his site w/ the code.

And if Cutter is going with 3-4 day shipping for cheaper, sounds like the savings is there. Maybe Ill try him out my next order.
I know what jerry's stock had been like. It is not big. And to think that cutter doesn't have what jerry does baffling. REAL was the first I saw the claim from...and we all know he has never and will never order from cutter. So I do question it. I have ordered a lot of monos(~2000) from cutter 4 years ago, and they were shipped instantly. And ordered a small amount last year, and were shipped instantly again. And they have come to me as a distributor, and I know what they could do. I don't use them or KB but don't like seeing BS.

Cutter is an authorized cree distributor and must abide by pricing regulations set by cree in their agreements, just like many industries and products distributed. But they work around it with codes and discounts, and that is impressive imo. Jerry has gotten in trouble from cree for his pricing too...and why you must email him now. I know the routine.
I don't really care who people go through, but I am definitely smell some BS on some statements putting doubt towards cutter in favor of some others. Just calling it how I see it.
I know what jerry's stock had been like. It is not big. And to think that cutter doesn't have what jerry does baffling. REAL was the first I saw the claim from...and we all know he has never and will never order from cutter. So I do question it. I have ordered a lot of monos(~2000) from cutter 4 years ago, and they were shipped instantly. And ordered a small amount last year, and were shipped instantly again. And they have come to me as a distributor, and I know what they could do. I don't use them or KB but don't like seeing BS.

Cutter is an authorized cree distributor and must abide by pricing regulations set by cree in their agreements, just like many industries and products distributed. But they work around it with codes and discounts, and that is impressive imo. Jerry has gotten in trouble from cree for his pricing too...and why you must email him now. I know the routine.
I don't really care who people go through, but I am definitely smell some BS on some statements putting doubt towards cutter in favor of some others. Just calling it how I see it.
Thanks Gene, appreciate the balanced perspective
I know what jerry's stock had been like. It is not big. And to think that cutter doesn't have what jerry does baffling. REAL was the first I saw the claim from...and we all know he has never and will never order from cutter. So I do question it. I have ordered a lot of monos(~2000) from cutter 4 years ago, and they were shipped instantly. And ordered a small amount last year, and were shipped instantly again. And they have come to me as a distributor, and I know what they could do. I don't use them or KB but don't like seeing BS.

Cutter is an authorized cree distributor and must abide by pricing regulations set by cree in their agreements, just like many industries and products distributed. But they work around it with codes and discounts, and that is impressive imo. Jerry has gotten in trouble from cree for his pricing too...and why you must email him now. I know the routine.
I don't really care who people go through, but I am definitely smell some BS on some statements putting doubt towards cutter in favor of some others. Just calling it how I see it.
Not saying Cutter is bad, but until he gets drivers, savings is negated by having to purchase drivers elsewhere.

That said, I think its funny how its OK for one retailer to sell under Cree's number with "work arounds" but its not ok for the next guy. Same fucking thing in the end so dont act like Cutter is above Jerry for selling and getting busted by Cree. Cree can hit Cutter just the same if they choose to, discount code or not....
Not saying Cutter is bad, but until he gets drivers, savings is negated by having to purchase drivers elsewhere.

That said, I think its funny how its OK for one retailer to sell under Cree's number with "work arounds" but its not ok for the next guy. Same fucking thing in the end so dont act like Cutter is above Jerry for selling and getting busted by Cree. Cree can hit Cutter just the same if they choose to, discount code or not....
They offer a sale price...just as Jerry has to be emailed. If Jerry had a code, that would work too. It has to do with advertised prices. And again cutter is a authorized distributor(contracts signed). They are partners. Jerry is not. Jerry can tell Cree to go pound sand. All that will happen will is his hook up "might" tighten up.
Cutter does not have that option being a authorized distributor and wanting to maintain their status. They do business through all the proper channels with hoops jumped through and still come in low priced.
Someone can bitch all they want but in the end they cross their T's and dot their I's and still are offering good prices. Their aren't going to go down much more unless Cree does it any ways.
Saving isn't negated. Having to ship drivers overseas is dumb, let a company do that on a bulk scale. You'll save getting them in the states but whatever. All I am hearing is back peddling to stay loyal to Jerry. And that is all fine an dandy if the is someone's choice. But leave the falsely based bad mouthing of his competitors out of it. That's my issue.
Not saying Cutter is bad, but until he gets drivers, savings is negated by having to purchase drivers elsewhere.

That said, I think its funny how its OK for one retailer to sell under Cree's number with "work arounds" but its not ok for the next guy. Same fucking thing in the end so dont act like Cutter is above Jerry for selling and getting busted by Cree. Cree can hit Cutter just the same if they choose to, discount code or not....

why would you order heavy drivers from the other side of the world? they ship via airmail, heavy stuff = expensive via air. thats what shipping containers are for