Group mind experiment, anyone?


I'm going to be setting up a "group mind" experiment concerning the
legalization of cannabis...

group mind experiments are joint endeavors of many people who,
thru imagination and intent alone, can manifest physical changes
far beyond the scope of what is usually considered "normal".

if you'd like to participate in this, and it costs nothing to join, and
takes only a few minutes a day, let me know if you're interested.



some of the more famous "Group mind experiments" came about when
legendary late night talk show host Art Bell suggested some experiments with his listening
audience. one experiment was to bring rain to drought regions, and another to change
the path of a hurricane!
the experiments were successful, but he stopped any further ones for fear of not
knowing exactly what he was getting himself into...

what i'd like to start here is a very basic group mind experiment
that hopefully will ultimately lead to the legalization of cannabis...

Group mind experiment #1
Time: every night at 11 pm et, 8 pm pt, beginning tonite
Place: somewhere you can spend 5 to 10 minutes and not be disturbed
What to do: get yourself in a relaxed, meditative state, and imagine yourself
in a field of cannabis, where there's a slight to moderate breeze rippling thru
the healthy green plants...
now mentally push the words "free" or "legal" onto the plants,
and imagine the plants flourishing, and the field of cannabis ever expanding.
try to keep this visualization going for a few minutes, 5 minutes would be great.

And that's it... it's real simple, but if we can get enough people participating
on a regular basis, we could force thru some well needed change.
