• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Ground Zero Mosque


Well-Known Member
I apologize for my lack of clarity. You are right; this has nothing to do with NYC or 9/11. Rickwhite's whole thrust in this thread is that muslims go around building mosques on top of vanquished churches and that that's their whole goal in history. His link provides information that undermines his thesis (because EVERYBODY builds their sacred structures on top of other sacred structures, not just muslims)

Your thinking is primitive in the extreme. I'm glad you will never be a world leader.


Well-Known Member
The level of ignorance demonstrated by many on this board never ceases to amaze me.

Only a willful ignoramus would deny that Muslims have throughout history built mosques on top of the other culture's holy sites as a symbol of Muslim dominance. This is a simple fact of academia.

And by the way, they want to break ground on the 10th anniversary of 911. A blind retard could see the symbolism in that. Community center my ass - it is a MOSQUE meant as a symbol of what they did to us.

"Symbolism is of the utmost importance in Islam. Building a state of the art mosque where Muslims tore down the most symbolic buildings in the world in an act of jihad that killed nearly 3,000 is equally symbolic. Breaking ground on the tenth anniversary of Islam’s victory over American infidels is icing on the cake. Just a few blocks from city hall too."

I know how much you Libs want to toe the party line, but you guys need to pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes to what is real.

As far as "recapturing the dome." What I said was that the Muslims wish to recapture the domination and subjugation of the Jews that they once had. This is what the dome symbolizes and it is why it was built on the ruins of the second Temple. Israel, unlike the Muslims who routinely destroy Jewish sites, are good stewards of the Dome as an historic treasure and keep it open to all Muslims.

Try a little reading comprehension.
lol rick i havent seen anyone deny that mosques have been built on "holy site" now you talk about reading comprehension but to me it looks like your reading a completely different book to everyone else here..

my view is that you'd have to be a proper dribbling idiot to ignore ALL the other religions that have also placed their churches on old holy sites before you claim that islam is the only one that does it
its a fact of academia that christianity puts its sites on old holy grounds god sakes READ YOUR OWN LINKS



New Member
How does any of that have anything to do with NYC or 911? You are MISSING THE POINT! Let's all take a break from trying to prove how smart we all for a second and ask yourself this... What was 911? It was an attack on OUR country, carried out on Americans by Muslims. Not all Muslims, Just enough Muslims to kill thousands of Americans. Americans who did nothing to these people but be "American"!!! Get it? They do not like you. Why are you so quick to defend them? No we do not have to build them a Mosque, no we do NOT have to forget 911 and just assuming because it has been a few years all Muslims are now our friends is the mentality that will get us attacked again. The 911 hijackers were trained here. Sorry mate, maybe they should prove they can stop being primitive animals before I roll out the red carpet for them in Time Square. I would love to see some of you go to a country like Yemen so you can feel the "Muslim Love" there for us Americans.
Do you understand that terrorists do not build community centers with swimming pools and performance arts center that are 100% open to the entire public?

Do you understand that 300 American muslims died on 9/11?

Do you understand what you give away about yourself by calling muslims 'primitive animals' and lumping them all together as terrorists?

Or is all that beyond your level of understanding?


Active Member
Do you understand that terrorists do not build community centers with swimming pools and performance arts center that are 100% open to the entire public?

Do you understand that 300 muslims died on 9/11?

Do you understand what you give away about yourself by calling muslims 'primitive animals' and lumping them all together as terrorists?

Or is all that beyond your level of understanding?
He had me convinced at primitive animals!!!
The radicals are not the whole of Muslim society.


Well-Known Member
I know how much you Libs want to toe the party line, but you guys need to pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes to what is real.
You mean like it is not "AT GROUND ZERO" like your thread suggest, and I actually thought too when I listened to the news.

New York (CNN) -- Plans to build a mosque two blocks away from ground zero
I mean for fuck sake, it is right there in the first sentence.

Is there to be a magical radius that makes Manhattan unable to have a religious community center? I mean I could see (and was kinda) getting into an uproar about building it on the site of the two towers, but not at them building one in New York. Ground zero would be a big middle finger I agree, blocks away is not ground zero though.

This is a great example of 'news' making a mountain of of an anthill.


Well-Known Member
Once again the ignorance in this thread is just astounding. We all know not "all Muslims" are terrorists. Pretend like you are not 10 years old and can think a sophisticated thought for a moment. Around 10% of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are full fledged terror supporters. That is 130 million for those who can't do the math. Roughly half think it is sometimes warranted. Nearly all devout Muslims would like to replace our Constitution with Sharia law.

Building Mosques as symbols of conquest and desecration of the holy sites of others is a huge and well known part of Islam. If any of you had the first clue what you were talking about you would know that this is common knowledge among scholars of Islam. You people seem to have this false belief that the entire world thinks and reasons the same way you do. This belief is sheer ignorance.

I posted about the Cordoba Mosque because it was a symbol of Muslim conquest like thousands of others in Spain. There are books written on the THOUSAND of Mosques built on top of Churches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Islamic symbolism, not a matter of convenient remodeling. Why is this so difficult to accept?

You mention Muslims dying on 911 because in your mind that somehow proves something. If you were to ask radical minded Muslims about this, they would tell you that they were not "murdered" but "sacrificed." I know because I personally spoke with one who insisted on this distinction.

Why is it so difficult for you people to accept the clear and obvious fact that radical, violent ways are common to huge segments of the Muslim world? How many statistics regarding terror attacks, stoning, honor killings and other human rights violations do you need before you will pull your head out of the sand and stop pretending like none of this is real? When will you learn that propaganda is one of radical Islam's greatest tools? Deceiving one's enemy is actually discussed in great length in Islam because their prophet Muhammad was highly skilled in deception. You can find discussion on this in Islamic literature if you look hard enough.

The bottom line is that I have been studying this topic for more than two decades and I know what I am talking about. Because you guys are Liberals, you jump to the conclusion that anyone saying something about certain groups must be making it up and it must be nothing but bigotry. This is nothing more than ignorance on your part.


Well-Known Member
What happened to Jewish Holy Sites and places of worship in lands controlled by the Arabs?

On May 28, 1948 the Arab Legion completed the capture of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, the site of numerous ancient synagogues and the Western Wall of the Temple, destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 AD. These were and remain the holiest sites in the Jewish religion.
After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues (the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum. Appeals were made to the United Nations and in the international community to declare the Old City to be an 'open city' and stop this destruction, but there was no response. This condition continued until Jordan lost control of Jerusalem in June 1967.
On the Mount of Olives, the Jordanian Arabs removed 38,000 tombstones from the ancient cemetery and used them as paving stones for roads and as construction material in Jordanian Army camps, including use as latrines. When the area was recaptured by Israel in 1967, graves were found open with the bones scattered. Parts of the cemetery were converted into parking lots, a filling station, and an asphalt road was built to cut through it. The Intercontinental Hotel was built at the top of the cemetery. Sadar Khalil, appointed by the Jordanian government as the official caretaker of the cemetery, built his home on the grounds using the stones robbed from graves. In 1967, the press published extensive photos documenting that Jewish gravestones were found in Jordanian Army camps, such as El Azariya, as well as in Palestinian walkways, steps, bathrooms, and pavement.
The Hurva Synagogue, attributed to Rabbi Moses Ben Nahman (Ramban), was the main synagogue in Jerusalem in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (and possibly much earlier), until the Ottomans closed it in 1589 because of Muslim incitement. It was burned by Arabs in 1721 (Hurva = destruction in Hebrew), but again rebuilt by Zionists in the 19th century, becoming the most prominent synagogue on the Jerusalem skyline. For that reason, when it was captured by the Arab Legion during the battle for Old Jerusalem in 1948, they dynamited it to show that they controlled the Jewish Quarter. When the Jews in New Jerusalem saw the Hurva burning, they knew that Jewish life in the Quarter had ended (again).

Full article:



Well-Known Member
I think I've made it clear plenty of times here that I have no love for islam - especially the radical side - but to me this does not sound like the move of radical muslims. Sure, there's symbolism in the date chosen for groundbreaking. It's quite likely that they wanted to show that this community center represents the side of islam that doesn't get all the press; that they are not the same as the people who committed the 9/11 murders, and that they are a part of that local community. I think that they should have foreseen controversy in this symbolism. At worst I'd say they were overly optimistic and a bit stupid in their choice... not radical or aggressive though IMO.

Rick, are you so arrogant and belligerent in real life? Every time you take part in one of these debates you call anyone who disagrees with you stupid and ignorant.


New Member
Once again the ignorance in this thread is just astounding.....Pretend like you are not 10 years old and can think a sophisticated thought for a moment. ...That is 130 million for those who can't do the math.

If any of you had the first clue what you were talking about ...You people ... have this false belief ...This belief is sheer ignorance.

Why is this so difficult to accept?

Why is it so difficult for you people.... pull your head out of the sand and stop pretending like none of this is real...When will you learn

The bottom line is that ....I know what I am talking about. Because you guys are Liberals, you jump to the conclusion that anyone saying something about certain groups must be making it up and it must be nothing but bigotry. This is nothing more than ignorance on your part.

All hail RockyIIWhite!


New Member
...We all know not "all Muslims" are terrorists....Around 10% of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are full fledged terror supporters. That is 130 million ...Roughly half think it is sometimes warranted. Nearly all devout Muslims would like to replace our Constitution with Sharia law.
OK, so you concede the point that not all Muslims are terrorists, but some are. Welcome to any religion in the world. Don't try to deny that horrible deeds have been commited in the names of many gods, or that Muslims invented and own terrorism.

Building Mosques as symbols of conquest and desecration of the holy sites of others is a huge and well known part of Islam....I posted about the Cordoba Mosque because it was a symbol of Muslim conquest like thousands of others in Spain. There are books written on the THOUSAND of Mosques built on top of Churches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is Islamic symbolism, not a matter of convenient remodeling.
Again, welcome to any religion whatsoever.

You mention Muslims dying on 911 because in your mind that somehow proves something. If you were to ask radical minded Muslims about this, they would tell you that they were not "murdered" but "sacrificed." I know because I personally spoke with one who insisted on this distinction.
I posted it because those Muslims were also AMERICANS who died that day. You act like they are unworthy of honorance or rememberance because radicals would think of them as 'sacrificed'. I bet if you ask their families here in America, likely non-radical, law-abiding Muslim families, they would say they were murdered in an act of terrorism.

radical, violent ways are common to huge segments of the Muslim world....How many statistics regarding terror attacks, stoning, honor killings and other human rights violations do you need ...stop pretending like none of this is real? When will you learn that propaganda is one of radical Islam's greatest tools? Deceiving one's enemy is actually discussed in great length in Islam because their prophet Muhammad was highly skilled in deception. You can find discussion on this in Islamic literature if you look hard enough.
Alright, we get it, Muslims commit lots of acts of terrorism. Perhaps even disproportionately higher amounts then any other religion in all of history. EVen if I were to grant you that, why are you against non-radical, non-extremist Muslims buiding a community center somewhere in New Your City?

If two blocks from Ground Zero is not far enough, is three blocks sufficient? Maybe four? How about ten? How about we ban it from NYC altogether? Why don't we just ban it from the U.S.A. altogether, since they are so evil, according to you?

The bottom line is that I have been studying this topic for more than two decades and I know what I am talking about. Because you guys are Liberals, you jump to the conclusion that anyone saying something about certain groups must be making it up and it must be nothing but bigotry.
You know what you are talking about, and we are all just liberals. What a convenient way to dismiss all dissenting viewpoints, RockyII :hump:


Well-Known Member
Its their property, they can build whatever they fucking want as long as it is within the law. Criticize them all you want, it won't change a damn thing.


Active Member
I have to say that posting up about Jewish sites being built over with the Jewish settlements in Palestine being built over every home, mosque, hospital and school that once stood there is pretty backwards. There really is no arguing that this is a project by good people for the use of everyone, not just Muslims. It is also pretty obvious that Rick White is not going to be swayed in his thinking that Muslim projects are bad and should be denied.


Active Member
I wonder how it would work out for America if we wanted to build some churches in their "Holy Sites'? Again, you might end up getting your head or hands chopped off for that over there. Your right guys, nothing primative about that part of the world at all. It's a shame since you are all the greatest minds on Earth that you are all trolling around a site about growing pot when you should all be out thinking for all us idiots of the world. They can build whatever they want but to put a mosque at ground zero is a slap in the face to those people who lost somebody on 911 and undermines the integrity of this country at a time when our Muslim friends of the world are waging a jihad against us. Let's not forget the Time Square bomb plot that just got busted. Had that bomb gone off and more people died at the hands of those happy go lucky Muslim friends of ours maybe somebody would have the guts to agree with me.


Active Member
I wonder how it would work out for America if we wanted to build some churches in their "Holy Sites'? Again, you might end up getting your head or hands chopped off for that over there. Your right guys, nothing primative about that part of the world at all. It's a shame since you are all the greatest minds on Earth that you are all trolling around a site about growing pot when you should all be out thinking for all us idiots of the world. They can build whatever they want but to put a mosque at ground zero is a slap in the face to those people who lost somebody on 911 and undermines the integrity of this country at a time when our Muslim friends of the world are waging a jihad against us. Let's not forget the Time Square bomb plot that just got busted. Had that bomb gone off and more people died at the hands of those happy go lucky Muslim friends of ours maybe somebody would have the guts to agree with me.

we bow to your wise and prophetic words oh wise and prophetic one.
Have you drawn your picture of Muhammad in crayon yet?

