

Active Member
Hello everyone!!!
We( husband and wife) have been exploring this site for a few weeks and thought we would step up and say hi.
We're planing-out our first potential grow. We have lots of odds and ends of potentially useful things lying around. Either from our houseplant hobby, our aquarium hobby(freshwater fish&plants), or our newer Tarantula hobby. We can't really afford much since I lost my job (factory layoff) so we're trying to do everything on a super-trim budget, and work with what we've got as much as possible.
With that criteria established, we're going with random, old bagseed. Indoor 400WHps. 10sqft growroom, walls painted flat white with a small exhaust fan (unknown CFM at the moment). 5-6 plants. We want to use 1/3 plain dirt (not MiracleGro, We can get some no nutes soil that's on the sandy side), 1/3 coco fiber, 1/3 perlite. Fertilize with liquid nutes (see specifics below) What are your opinions on this mix for the purposes of aeration? We were thinking it would be good, but I'm curious if anyone thinks vermiculite would be better than one of the other ingredients? or if there is even any reason to use 'clean slate' dirt mixed in with the coco fiber and perlite, or should we just use more coco fiber? I don't want to try organics yet, seems too complex for our first time.
We have 2 diff garden center ferts. For vegetation: 24-8-16, for flowering: 15-30-15. I know I'll have to use them at 1/4 strength and move up in small increments and (correct me if I'm wrong) never give them full strenth.

I know that a grow scheme can always be improved upon, but this is cheapest on the budget and it will be our first grow. We already have most of this other stuff too, which makes the HPS the only big investment to be made. We're thinking other variables can be tweaked in later crops. So, how is this sounding? Any glaring mistakes?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hello and welcometo the site. i to use the same veg. nutes.bloomnutes igot some good shit. i wanted good nutes fora good yield. sounds like you both are on the right track. goodluck


Well-Known Member
With 10 square feet I'd go with a 600W hps (the most efficient of the hps bulbs).

I'm in a space under 10 square feet and I wish I had gotten a 600.

Also, I don't know if coco fiber is different from coco coir, but I just bought a bag of the stuff before realizing you need special nutes for coco coir and it needs to be PH'ed between 5.5 and 6.3. Just a heads up.


Active Member
Also, I don't know if coco fiber is different from coco coir, but I just bought a bag of the stuff before realizing you need special nutes for coco coir and it needs to be PH'ed between 5.5 and 6.3. Just a heads up.
Yes, coco fiber is the same as coco coir. We had not heard anything about that, is it because it is more acidic(like peat moss)? If so, not sure how much a problem it will be. We have a liquid pH test kit for our aquariums, and our tap water is on the hard side at 7.8.


Well-Known Member
Yes, coco fiber is the same as coco coir. We had not heard anything about that, is it because it is more acidic(like peat moss)? If so, not sure how much a problem it will be. We have a liquid pH test kit for our aquariums, and our tap water is on the hard side at 7.8.
Apparently, and I'm just reading this for the first time now, coco holds on to some nutrients and releases others in different amounts. I don't understand if fully, but most articles/threads I've read say to use specific coco nutes. But you're mixing it with other stuff so it might not apply to you.

Check this out though...

(hope there's no problems posting a link to a different forum)


Well-Known Member
Also, I've been searching for any information about people that use 100% coco coir with just regular hydroponic ferts.

If you find anything, post it here please.

I think I'll end up breaking down and buying some Canna nutes, and was also wondering if I could simply switch the base nutes I'm using (2 part Sensi AN) and keep going with all the other AN additives (I have most, if not all of the AN line and read some iffy things about their Monkey Juice which is their coco ferts line).