Greetings, earthlings...


...I have come to smoke up all of ya dope...prepare your gifts, wrape'em up and prepare for beaming it up...

Hey all, names Eddie, 29 year old guy from Sweden here, been reading a here for a while, but I figured it's time to register and join the community.
Looking forward to expanding my knowledge as well as my mind here. Been growing for a couple of years, nothing big, just for personal use.

What most perhaps dont know Sweden is one of the most retarded country in the world when it comes to cannabis, it's viewed to be equal to heroin, crack, meth and rat poison. As one brilliant Swedish christian fundamentalist politician once said on tv in a debate "Drugs is drugs", yes thats the kind of stupidity we have to deal with here.

Anyway, glad to be here, lets the journey begin!

Peace!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to
Your onestopshop for all matters cannabis, take a look around but I should advise you that the fabulous "Like" button, is broken, instead buried below is the equivalent, reputation button that works almost the same., so if you see or read something you like, well! you can't like until it's fixed but you can click the Rep button to show your appreciation.



Thanks guys.
I'm joining the fight to liberate this healing plant from its schakles of ignorance and lies,
and thereby freeing humanity and allowing for the full potential of the species to develop.

At least you guys in US have 20 medical marjiuana states and 2 totally legalized states, I exist in a twillight zone, where the laws of the universe do not work the same as in the rest of the world, at least in the eyes of our retarded politicians and media.

I offer you some entertainment provided by the 4 braincells of our justice minister.