GreenX How to's... How to Clone in Soil (w/pics)


Well-Known Member
Wait til they are like 14 inches tall or more if its going to be a mother plant and your not going to flower it, otherwise 12" shout work
as soon as a plant grows a branch you can clone that branch..., and as long as you leave a couple of leaves from the branch behind it will fill back in, but with 2 to make up for the one you took.


I took my cuttings and put em in 12oz solo cups with soil, approximately how long do yall think theyll take to root. I got me under a 125w cfl and in a 20x10x7 humidity dome. Any ideas


Well-Known Member
It all sure does look simple enough. I've tried this on 3 different occasions. With and without a dome, in soil and in peat discs.....and I have yet so far to have even a single clone live.
I thank God for the seedbanks :)
I'm gonna try again one of these days. !
Nice tutorial fella...


Active Member
its my 3rd time cloning and so far i only ended up with choked rotten looking stems..and my hands are pretty tied around getting stuff and things given i live in iran so i wanted to ask you this if its possible to clone in soil without using gels or hormones or using kitchen materials like sugar or honey instead?
and can i clone without having to use a humidity dome?