I dont really know,lime would work faster and bonus Mg Ca :D
But doesn’t the Mg Ca take years before it breaks down and becomes available. I thought that is why people suggest OSF. I need to find a definitive answer on this. To the Google machine!
But doesn’t the Mg Ca take years before it breaks down and becomes available. I thought that is why people suggest OSF. I need to find a definitive answer on this. To the Google machine!
I had some blossom end rot on my tomatoes,gave them some OSF and it seems to have stopped the BER.So ya works quickly for ca deficiency.Ive always added lime pre cook so havent had issues with MJ.
Let us know what you find.
Haven't been around for a while but reading through the last few pages thought I'd throw up a couple vids that could be useful . You can use your SIP's as a worm farm themsleves.

And a super simple LABS method I think I read some people asking how to make it

@CrunchBerries Liking your Bohdi's . You running from clones?

I"m yet to run into fungus nats yet in my SIP ...touch wood
Thanks man! Seed and clones.
did any of you watch the documentary on Netflix about mushrooms called Fantastic Fungi? They discuss mycelium and how it works. Seemed to validate greens method here a bit.

Also, I started the process to expand my first batch of EM1 so I should be getting this dance started in a few weeks
I just got around to using it again, so I really don't have input. I just invested some money into the grokashi recipe and grabbed some Photo+, Super Cera powder, Youngevity, and beets to juice. Sorry that I don't have more answers about Photo+ because I have searched also. There is just not much info out there yet.
Hey @MustangStudFarm l was over on OG and dude posted a DIY recipe for Photosynthesis plus. https://overgrow.com/t/diy-photosynthesis-plus-psb-pnsb-cyanobacteria-recipes/61213
Here is a neat article on Purple non-sulphur bacteria and plant production: benefits for fertilization, stress resistance and the environment https://sfamjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1751-7915.13474
anyone who has expanded em1 with organic molasses, what recipe did you use? Ive seen to double the molasses and ive seen to do equal parts vinegar, also seen to just let it sit longer. I left air in the jar and botched the first attempt but planning on trying again this weekend.
anyone who has expanded em1 with organic molasses, what recipe did you use? Ive seen to double the molasses and ive seen to do equal parts vinegar, also seen to just let it sit longer. I left air in the jar and botched the first attempt but planning on trying again this weekend.


thats what i was looking at, watched the video again and he says both work. figured it was just my issue with air. thanks for the quick reassurance
anyone who has expanded em1 with organic molasses, what recipe did you use? Ive seen to double the molasses and ive seen to do equal parts vinegar, also seen to just let it sit longer. I left air in the jar and botched the first attempt but planning on trying again this weekend.
I doubled the molasses. It took a bit longer for the ph to drop, but it eventually did. Organic molasses has some kind of ph buffer.
Thanks, i have a feeling the air in my jug was too much. I mixed it last wednesday and it is still high
It supposed to take 7-10 days for the ph to drop in warm conditions. It took upwards of a couple weeks when I used organic molasses. I talked to a rep at teraganix and she reassured me that it was perfectly normal and to just sit tight and be patient. It eventually dropped. I have some expanding now and I am on day 9. Haven’t checked it tonight, but should be any day now.
It supposed to take 7-10 days for the ph to drop in warm conditions. It took upwards of a couple weeks when I used organic molasses. I talked to a rep at teraganix and she reassured me that it was perfectly normal and to just sit tight and be patient. It eventually dropped. I have some expanding now and I am on day 9. Haven’t checked it tonight, but should be any day now.

Good to know, thank you! Pumped to get started with this!
well it has now been 15 days and my em1 didn't drop and smelled like hell so I went ahead tried again with a new batch tonight. Hopefully it works this time so I can get going.
sip has been assembled and filled. 40 gallon bin, 4 inch drain pipe and vermiculite floor. ended up with 7 gallons in the res, 3 cf of bas 3.0, 7.5 cups of cowoco, 7.5 cups of bus, 3 cups of craft blend and then did nice top layer of bus then kashi followed with some cowoco. Theoretically if i did this right, i should have some mycellium on the top by next week right?

i think i am going to have to recalibrate my digital ph pen. i cant tell what my expanded em1 is at and its been 2 weeks. doesnt stink like the last one but the ph stirp is not as bright as the original
sip has been assembled and filled. 40 gallon bin, 4 inch drain pipe and vermiculite floor. ended up with 7 gallons in the res, 3 cf of bas 3.0, 7.5 cups of cowoco, 7.5 cups of bus, 3 cups of craft blend and then did nice top layer of bus then kashi followed with some cowoco. Theoretically if i did this right, i should have some mycellium on the top by next week right?

i think i am going to have to recalibrate my digital ph pen. i cant tell what my expanded em1 is at and its been 2 weeks. doesnt stink like the last one but the ph stirp is not as bright as the original
Depending on temperature you should see the mat start forming in a couple days.