What about doing something like this in a 10 gallon tote?? I don't need a huge space, just need a place to grow a couple of smaller ones.
I'm sure it will work, but maybe not quite as good. To sustain a living soil you really need more space, with that said, if you continued adding the life needed, it can work.
You guys ever get mold on your bokashi bran itself?

I just went to use some and the bran has some white mold on it. I'm sure its still fine to keep/use since we use it for the fungi anyway, but wanted to see what you guys thought
You guys ever get mold on your bokashi bran itself?

I just went to use some and the bran has some white mold on it. I'm sure its still fine to keep/use since we use it for the fungi anyway, but wanted to see what you guys thought
White mold is the good stuff, green mold is bad...
What about doing something like this in a 10 gallon tote?? I don't need a huge space, just need a place to grow a couple of smaller ones.
I have done 5gal and 13gal sips. Both can grow amazingly. Much more work for the 5gal sips. They need water everyday during Peak flower. They only hold less than a gallon of water. My 13gals Hold almost 3 gals of water and were watered about every two days during peak flower and also didn’t get feed for 5 days and they were fine. If I did that with a 5 gal sip I would have had problems. So... somewhere in between 5gal and 50gal should work lolol. It truly isn’t rocket science thank god! Super simple.
Gathering my materials to get started and was curious what brands of ewc do y’all use? Saw Green’s in the list, but could not find it on google. Any help is appreciated.
Gathering my materials to get started and was curious what brands of ewc do y’all use? Saw Green’s in the list, but could not find it on google. Any help is appreciated.

I bought worms to make my own... cost of setting up a small worm farm is under 100$ and produces all the ewc you need if your a hobbyist grower.
Yea so I gotta be honest with you guys, this shit just doesn't work. I grow these ladies with nothing but Hope's and dreams...
Oh man, that looks like hell lol. Bad Joke... I keep running into these new members that think that they have it down, so I'm about to back off and stop offering my opinion to some of these fools! Anyways, I'm finally into DIY SIPs(30gal) but it hasn't been a smooth transition yet. I really wish that I still had that 10gal bucket of grokashi that I made. I picked up some decent totes that were made in the USA and I think that it will be great. Thanks for looking out!!!
Also, I was working with what I had and vermiculite was nowhere to be found, so I used mostly hydroton that I had stashed in my garage for about 8yrs from my hydro days. I had a little perlite too, the big chunky stuff.
Waiting on my sip setup from Build a soil! I purchased two og earth boxes, grokashi, em-1, ewc, bu’s compost, tm-7 and oyster shell. Will be using new Mother Earth Groundswell soil. Can y’all think of anything else? Did want to pick up some guano also. How often should I top dress with new soil? 3ish is average with recycled soil, but what about new? 4? Any help or suggestions is appreciated!
Oh man, that looks like hell lol. Bad Joke... I keep running into these new members that think that they have it down, so I'm about to back off and stop offering my opinion to some of these fools! Anyways, I'm finally into DIY SIPs(30gal) but it hasn't been a smooth transition yet. I really wish that I still had that 10gal bucket of grokashi that I made. I picked up some decent totes that were made in the USA and I think that it will be great. Thanks for looking out!!!
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Also, I was working with what I had and vermiculite was nowhere to be found, so I used mostly hydroton that I had stashed in my garage for about 8yrs from my hydro days. I had a little perlite too, the big chunky stuff.
Yea man sometimes you just cant tell or teach anyone anything. Some are just hard headed. Nothing you can do about it, that why sometimes I dont even try. I mean 90% of the information is in the first 2 pages, and in depth at that. Granted we have changed a few things, but for the most part it's the same.

And not a problem buddy, I'm glad I could be of help, I know quite a few guys who have gotten a ton of help from this thread, which really makes it worth all the time myself, you, and alot of others have put in here.

But as for the hydroton and vermiculite. None of it really matters which you use. As long as it wicks the water up, doesn't compress too much, wont disappear bc of the em1, or just naturally decompose too fast. Just about anything will work. Come to think of it, hydroton could actually work better seeing as its bigger, and would allow more air space in between each pebble. Just comes down to how well it wicks up. But once you have a nice size established lady, the roots will grow right into the rez, and wicking wouldn't matter nearly as much!