GreenPower000's (1st ever Grow) 12/12 CFL From Seed journal

You can get it online tons of places (link, I like using Amazon), or if you'd prefer it I'm sure your local gardening/hydro shop will have a similar product.

Sweet ! Thanks for the advice and link !!! I'm gonna update my journal tonight with pics.... so much has changed and I'm getting that growers itch .... can't wait for the buds to I still have another month to month and a half before i can harvest my one good female. I do have a question for you guys ( I'm full of after i harvest.. if i leave enough nodes and just clip the buds... can i keep my 1 good fem growing.. possibly veg her and then flower her? Or maybe just keep her on the 12 12 and grow her out again? Any experience with this anyone?
Sweet ! Thanks for the advice and link !!! I'm gonna update my journal tonight with pics.... so much has changed and I'm getting that growers itch .... can't wait for the buds to I still have another month to month and a half before i can harvest my one good female. I do have a question for you guys ( I'm full of after i harvest.. if i leave enough nodes and just clip the buds... can i keep my 1 good fem growing.. possibly veg her and then flower her? Or maybe just keep her on the 12 12 and grow her out again? Any experience with this anyone?

yes to awnser your question you can if you leave some growth you can switch the lights back to 18 6 and start revegging the plant it takes some time for the plant to revert back to vegatative state but its possible.
I need to change the air in my box better..... I'm getting nasty heat spikes... I've noticed some of the leaves getting crispy.. and crumbling when i brush up aginst them..... looks like im gonna have to sit one of these in my box to pump out hot air.. and one outside my box to pump in cool air:|0&Ntt=exaust+fan

Wacha guys think?

Sorry bout the pics... forgot the camera at home this morning.... will be updating when i get home.
yes to awnser your question you can if you leave some growth you can switch the lights back to 18 6 and start revegging the plant it takes some time for the plant to revert back to vegatative state but its possible.

but this does do things to the hormones of the plant, as they go crazy wen u induce flowering and make all kinds of different hormones to flower.
just in adddition to your post is all, things to keep in mind so to say.
true fuzzy but i was only awnserin his question about the possibility of re veggin

It's all good : ) !!! Thanks for the advice..... I think i might chop half of her..... trim the buds off and let her keep on keepin on with the 12 / 12..... that way anything i put in there can just be 12 / 12 ... no special room for veg or anything.
ahh damn i was like yes he got pics up and got here dissapointed lol jk ill be waitin well im gonna make some hash first
Yea, I'm still getting use to the whole message board system here at RIU ... never really been a board poster before here are a few of the pics i had up.... deleted most of them from my camera already : (
So no Pics last night...... I got home to a dark cold house.... the power had been cut off since 3:30pm and didn't get cut back on till 10:45pm..... then my timer was wacked and they got about an hour and a half of light before i realized the box was on..... Damn power company... I payed my bill late.. but i still payed it... and they still came out and disconnected it!! I was soooooooo pissed. Plus my 1 year old daughter is very sick..... all I got from customer service and managers was.. aint my problem... seriously.. I was told ... well you should have paid your bill on time.. and aint my problem, and there is nothing we can do to speed up the process... your power will be back on by midnight .. and we cant even guarantee that. Not once did i hear... I see you have paid your bill it was 3 days late... and i have no idea why they cam out and turned your power off.. IM SORRY....... nothing... blah...
sorry guys ... just ranting and blowing off steam !
You think the ladies will be alright.. they got an extra 7 or so hours of dark and about an hour and a half of unregulated light..... I hope they don't start growing ball sacks .. hope everyone is having a good holiday season and everyone spread some love around to your family and friends !!! You might get some unexpected love in return (in the form of a really nice present!)
sorry to hear all this dood, keep your head up throo thr makes the easy times sooo much better.
man brotha i know how ya feel there a few weeks ago same thing happend to me and nah there shuldent be any afects from this my plants had the same thing identical happen so it shuld be alright keep ya head up dont get fed up ya hear.
Thanks guys !!! I went home at lunch time today.... I gave the girls a good watering with reg water last time.. so this time i watered with Bloom ferts... had to chop one plant out of the "multi pot" i had accidentally snapped the main stem a few weeks ago.. and she just never recovered... healed .. but was never the same. she was wilting, chop chop chop. So now I have 2 plants in that one pot, one that has been "accidentally topped" (I've been bad for that shit lately) and one really good looking one.. she is just small.

Thanks for the support and encouragement, i really need it right
All I can do is just keep on keepin on
Just curious...

Do you guys measure how much water you give your plants? I have a 2 Quart (cool Aid pitcher) and i fill it up and give the two pots i have half a piece. Honestly... that is way more than they need tho. I guess i kind of "flush water" each time. I saturate the (small pots) soil and let it drain out of the bottom onto a towel until it is just dripping a little bit. The soil has plenty of water in it.. and i do this with Fert water when I water with it as well. Should i really cut back on the water? Things seem to be doing fine... other than starting off really slow... Once they showed sex tho.. BOOM.. they took off.