Greenpoint seeds!!

No worries, man. I didn't know it was thing based on other's postings; as well as myself never having a problem uploading pages. And I was like the other person said, "why am I clicking on thumb nails. Be proud of your work." Lol. Trump needs to get on that high speed internet for all he was talking about last night.

Thumbnails from me from now on too... I too have been rude... too many times!!! hehheeh...
Pffft. That narc shit is absolute garbage. I rarely entertain this nonsense because I truly believe the majority of members are smart enough to do see thru Heisens gas lighting. I have no idea whats going on with Amos but I'd be more concerned about the one who lacks credibility having my info than Amos.

And those screenshots on CPs are just more smoke and mirrors. Same shit Heisens been pulling since he first joined the forums.

And for the record. I've never had a post deleted by a mod, so if anyone has anything to say to me, grow a spine and just say it...without using a sock account to hide behind. Though I will admit, the whole "Tangeine nightmare" retort was good for a laugh. Just don't expect me have sympathy for people that try to play both sides of the fence...especially when they fall and end up with picket up their ass.
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So you feel devulging person information as a third party on the open internet is acceptable, no matter what was said in private...?
images (13).jpeg
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So you feel devulging person information as a third party on the open internet is acceptable, no matter what was said in private...?
View attachment 4472944
What "private" info was divulged? I didn't see anyone info posted, at least not here and I was present when most of this went down in real time.

Unless of course we're talking about the countless times Heisen has shared screenshots of private messages.
What "private" info was divulged? I didn't see anyone info posted, at least not here and I was present when most of this went down in real time.

Unless of course we're talking about the countless times Heisen has shared screenshots of private messages.
So because he did it before it's okay now? Just saying i thought Amos was better than that. Dropping someone's salary, which should never have been shared anyway, is not right. If you dont see that then im glad we don't know each other.
So because he did it before it's okay now? Just saying i thought Amos was better than that. Dropping someone's salary, which should never have been shared anyway, is not right. If you dont see that then im glad we don't know each other.
No one needs to drop Heisens phony salary. He and his wife took care of that in the politics sections. Every day whimpering on for attention, boasting nonstop about shit I would never disclose...all for the sake of what? Trying to lend credibility where there is none? To finally get a response he could screenshot to gaslight with? C'mon man.

I've been reserved about a lot of this shit up until now and I've done my best not to entertain this nonsense but when Heisen decided to use my grief, the death of MY daughter, to raise his platform, I lost all respect. I don't rub elbows with people like that and I never will. And I don't need a fake account to speak up about it.
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And I don't need a fake account to speak up about it.
I've done my best not to entertain this nonsense but when Heisen decided to use my grief, the death of MY daughter, to raise his platform
what's this your going on about. I offer my condolences however.
I lost all respect. I don't rub elbows with people like that and I never will.
completely understandable if what you say is fact. I must have missed the former apparently.
Runtz x Stardawg.
I'm with this.
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You've got it exactly backwards, friend. Gu couldn't shut up Heisen last year, back when Heisen was his most vocal and persistent critic.

So instead, he bought Heisen. $185,000 a year to make seeds, is the figure Heisen told me in mail, when asking me to back off of criticizing Gu, saying "he's my boss, man! ". Heisen now finds himself grabbing his ankles and asking for more, please.

The irony is delicious.

Id have to be paid more than that to deal with all the trolls, narcs, bitches and backstabbers like you.
Do people even know what a narc is? WTF. If heisen told someone what he is paid by Gu then that is his OWN fuckup for letting the cat out of the bag.

People throwing around the term narc incorrectly is fucking stupid and makes them look even dumber.
And if they believe Gu is paying him that they’re even stupider!!! Where do all these heisen band wagoners come from?
Hopefully lil logic & gu~sen give me photo credit 20200206_084027.jpg
Banning people cause they "wont stick up for me"
Erasing threads w/great info & pics
Reading dm's & posting private messages
Erasing posts of shitty stuff you say to people
That place sounds like a hoot
Sounds like lil logic learned some stuff over there on his knees begging for cuts on da farm
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I wonder if this is part of his pay? & why is he acting like a disgruntled employee?

Ima go on vacation for a "week" I'll be back..

He has members that try to post my addy,one even post tracking screenshot from my town.... so yeah,that place has a few "dry snitches "

The people he just kicked to the curb,for not "standing up for him/using knee-pads"
It all seems like deja vu.