Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't go the Maltese route, lol.
I'm kind of an asshole so I'm going to say those pit bull owners were either idiots or shitty ass people that mistreated their dogs. I've own, my friends have own many many pits and never once was there even a person bit. But all the folks I do know that own pits that have bitten people or have been bit by pits are trashy people. I know that is just my experience but if a dog, any dog, turns on you, the owner, then you're a horrible person and you were probably beating them or starving them.

That being said, I do agree that most people should not be allowed to own pitbulls. Just like I don't think just everyone should be able to own a gun or adopt a kid. But I feel the same way with any breed over 75 pound that has been historically bred to pit fight.

I have read these articles and others, the media only really covers stories of “bully breeds” attacking. Do you know labs bite more people in the us every year than pits do? Everyone can like any dog they want, I’m not here to argue just to give my 2 cents. Pits are generally given a bad rep, a lot of this falls to dog fighting and the fact that there are more pits in high crime areas. But again that all comes down to the owners

Its always the owners. Dogs do what they know and are allowed. If you think its funny to tease your dog as a puppy, don't be surprised when he grows into a big asshole. And even then, the dog can still change and be good. Every dog wants to know how to behave properly. The pack mentality is deep.

I currently own a pit. He was a rescue he got returned 6 times before we got hime. He used to get weird around people like others have described. He never bit anyone that I saw. But I have seen him get weird and inch up on people like shit is about to go down. But I fixed that bad behavior immediately (by poking him in the shoulder and redirecting him to behave the way that is acceptable). And now, he is the world's fattest-cuddle-sausage. I take him everywhere with me, and he meets dozens of new people every week. He LOVES people, is totally well-behaved around all people now. And unless I told someone, nobody would ever think think he was anything other than super-loving his whole life.

My dog was the same way with dogs. He used to be an asshole towards dogs, and now he is great with all dogs of all sizes.

He gets a lot of compliments. People without dogs say what a happy dog he is. And people with dogs say 'Wow! My dog usually hates other dogs but he sure likes yours!'

And just a thought--what if pit bulls acted like all those little yappy, bitey small breed dogs? I love small dogs, but so many behave incredibly badly. Large dogs could never get away acting the way small dogs do.

Every dog should be good with people and dogs. If its aggressive with either, the owner needs to fix that ASAP (and not by beating the dog or punishing it, but by using positive reinforcement and showing the dog the proper way to behave)

If someone is avoiding pit bulls they are missing some HUGE LOVE. Yes, pit bulls might have more attack statistics than many breeds, but think of every insecure, trouble-loving small dick fool you know who is a bad dog owner. They probably own a pit bull or a few. I feel sorry for everyone who has had bad experiences with pit bulls. On the flip side, nearly every good dog owner--like many on this thread--who own a pit bull falls in love with their adorable square heads and wants more pits forever. That must be for some reason. I wish that everyone who has had a bad experience with pits could meet mine so he could change your mind. And I wish I could meet your dogs so that I could give them some of this human beef jerky I picked up at Costco today just for dog treats!

And for those unfortunate folks who ever have to break up a dog fight, I've never had to use this trick myself, but I've heard it has worked successfully many times--stick a finger up the dogs butthole. Get them into a different state of mind real quick. :shock:
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Well-Known Member
I'm not even going voice what my experience has been responding to and treating dog bites. Its already been laid out very well here.

I'm just going to point out one thing that hasn't been touched on.

Possessive behavior is often mistaken for protectiveness. The former can usually be attributed to a lot of attacks. That's why they sometimes appear unprovoked or as though they're "guarding".

Anyone that plans to own a dog needs to understand and recognize the difference. Especially if you own a powerful dog that can seriously...even fatally wound.

Its true, certain people just shouldn't own those type of breeds. Its not fair to the public and its not fair to the dog.

That's all.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not even going voice what my experience has been responding to and treating dog bites. Its already been laid out very well here.

I'm just going to point out one thing that hasn't been touched on.

Possessive behavior is often mistaken for protectiveness. The former can usually be attributed to a lot of attacks. That's why they sometimes appear unprovoked or as though they're "guarding".

Anyone that plans to own a dog needs to understand and recognize the difference. Especially if you own a powerful dog that can seriously...even fatally wound.

Its true, certain people just shouldn't own those type of breeds. Its not fair to the public and its not fair to the dog.

That's all.
Bottom line, pits are dangerous period... A year or so ago in VA 2 pits killed and partially eat there owner.. It was said she loved and took care of the dogs well.


Well-Known Member
I let this GPS "Mimosa" S-1 go since she was already in the middle/back of the garden when I found out about the fake seeds. At the time she was just starting to bud and was showing female traits. I watched her closely...really closely all Summer. No herms. However...her 9 ft tall sister never budded....and got the chop.

At this point...I'll chop her up and run her through the bubble bags. There's not much frost....but some. Could be the TRIPweed.....could be the HeadacheBud. I figured with the in house experts we have here at ID'ing clones/plants off the Net via pictures it should be a snap to figure out who she is. ;-)



Well-Known Member
I let this GPS "Mimosa" S-1 go since she was already in the middle/back of the garden when I found out about the fake seeds. At the time she was just starting to bud and was showing female traits. I watched her closely...really closely all Summer. No herms. However...her 9 ft tall sister never budded....and got the chop.

At this point...I'll chop her up and run her through the bubble bags. There's not much frost....but some. Could be the TRIPweed.....could be the HeadacheBud. I figured with the in house experts we have here at ID'ing clones/plants off the Net via pictures it should be a snap to figure out who she is. ;-)
Definitely not mimosa,looks like some kind of columbian..