Greenpoint seeds!!

My edible recipe:

I decarb half of the product in the oven. Metal cookie sheet, covered with tinfoil to seal it. Set oven at 240 for 30 mins.
-the other half of product I don't decarb because I want both the 'high' and the medical benefits of THC-A and others that the decarb will cook out

Then I use a sous vide machine to cook the butter. Usually 185 for 2-4 hours. Cook it inside with the windows open and the smell is there-usually smells pretty delicious. Done it in wintertime with windows closed--smell is definitely there, but with the windows open it isn't too strong.

I used to use a crock pot, which worked fine, but the sous vide machine gives much better temp control. @dstroy, I am curious about the decarb method you use with the sous vide. How does that work?

Up until this last time, I used to mix coconut oil with water and then separate the water out after. But this last round, no water was used--only coconut oil. And the flavor was much better than ever before. So plan to keep using coconut oil with no water.

Always looking to improve if anyone has any tips/suggestions

To decarb you prep your material like you normally would if it were going in the oven and then put it in a vacuum bag and into the water bath.

Some lady wrote about it and got lab test results done for different times/temps, it works just like the oven without the smell.
I like micro doses for pain/sleep. I really like the gummies. I cant and wont do brownies or cookies again unless I make them myself. Overindulgence is no joke, lol.

I had someone gift me some cookies to help me sleep. This chick is also a chef and well known here for having her edible game down. When she dropped them off she said they were "mild" so I figured maybe 100-150mg per cookie. This was also during a time when a lot of folks in the community were dropping off food, flowers, and cards so there wasn't a lot conversation really. Mostly just "I'm sorry and hope this helps" kinda stuff.

Anyway, I hadn't eaten much in several days so I ate 3. Within an hour I'd pretty much lost all motor function and went catatonic.
I later found out they were 550-600mg per cookie!

Apparently there is significant difference between her idea of mild and my idea of mild.

I'll never do that again.
nope gif.gif
I like micro doses for pain/sleep. I really like the gummies. I cant and wont do brownies or cookies again unless I make them myself. Overindulgence is no joke, lol.

I had someone gift me some cookies to help me sleep. This chick is also a chef and well known here for having her edible game down. When she dropped them off she said they were "mild" so I figured maybe 100-150mg per cookie. This was also during a time when a lot of folks in the community were dropping off food, flowers, and cards so there wasn't a lot conversation really. Mostly just "I'm sorry and hope this helps" kinda stuff.

Anyway, I hadn't eaten much in several days so I ate 3. Within an hour I'd pretty much lost all motor function and went catatonic.
I later found out they were 550-600mg per cookie!

Apparently there is significant difference between her idea of mild and my idea of mild.

I'll never do that again.
View attachment 4147826
lol funny chit!
I like micro doses for pain/sleep. I really like the gummies. I cant and wont do brownies or cookies again unless I make them myself. Overindulgence is no joke, lol.

I had someone gift me some cookies to help me sleep. This chick is also a chef and well known here for having her edible game down. When she dropped them off she said they were "mild" so I figured maybe 100-150mg per cookie. This was also during a time when a lot of folks in the community were dropping off food, flowers, and cards so there wasn't a lot conversation really. Mostly just "I'm sorry and hope this helps" kinda stuff.

Anyway, I hadn't eaten much in several days so I ate 3. Within an hour I'd pretty much lost all motor function and went catatonic.
I later found out they were 550-600mg per cookie!

Apparently there is significant difference between her idea of mild and my idea of mild.

I'll never do that again.
View attachment 4147826

Dude i feel you man i was in that state before and its not good haha my partner experienced it aswell and we both never want to feel like that again lol
If I had to describe it I'd say its somewhere between OD'ing on Quaaludes and a whole mess of Boons Farm or Mad Dog 20/20 (for those old enough to remember that shit from high school)
A very weird and unpleasant buzz

I love brownies. Which is why after making one infused batch, I'll never make them again. The effect from half of one [ and a bowl or two ] promotes ravenous munchies, and a craving for....those delicious brownies. It didn't work out well.

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It always taste off. Or I just suck at the whole decarbing process

That's because you're not using a purification step.

Remember that thc is not water soluable, but there's a lot of shit in cannabis that is, and you can remove most of it by simply steeping your cannabis in water until most of the funky shit has been extracted.

Try this......
1. Decarb 14g's of your dry trim, popcorn buds and whatever.
-Decarb at 250F for 1 hour in the oven and you'll get close to a 90% decarb rate
2. Take your decarbed weed and soak it in water to purify it for edibles.
-Hot water technique: Boil some water, add the weed and allow it to steep just like tea or coffee.
Once the water becomes dark and nasty, dump it, add more hot water, and repeat as often as
you want until you achieve the water clarity you want.
-Cold water technique: Toss your weed into a pot of cold water, shove it in the fridge, and change out
the water twice a day for 3 days, or until you achieve the clarity you want for your water.
3. Infuse your butter / oil as normal.

You're not going to get ALL the "funk" out of your weed, but if you purify it right, you can damn sure get most of it. Besides, we all need a little funk in our lives from time to time.
I do mine in a double boiler method. So no direct heat source touches it. To destroy the thc. I boil water in a big pot and set another in the boiling put my butter in it. Let it melt. Then dump my trim popcorn buds or whatever. In the butter. And I let it simmer for 3-4 hrs. Then strain my butter. Or cocout oil. I do both the same way. But I strain through a mesh screen. Then through a cheese clothe. Zero particles in my final liquid. Put it in a bowl with a lid like Tupperware. And put in the fridge. The coconut oil I put back in its original container and put it in my cabinet. Doesn' need to be cold to back to a solid state. It stays a tad soft. But makes it easy to scoop out and measure. And when I say a little goes along way. I mean it. But I do make it very strong. And when I make brownies I use melted coconut oil in place of the vegetable oil. Or whatever. Mix and then the secret is add 1/2 cup of peanut butter cookies mix into the brownie mix. Mix and bake. The brownies taste like a regular brownie. No pot taste at all. I would pretty much bet you could eat a regular brownie and a pot brownie. And you can' tell the difference. Until a tad later when it kicks in. Lol. I have made brownies 300 different ways it seems. I have Google degree in pot brownies. The way I Jus described. Has been the best method I have found.
P.s. if any of that doesn't make sense. Blam O.B.S. bc I' smokin some as I wrote that and this. After 5 day cure it's getting better.i have two jars up for the long cure. But smoke wise, I give it a hard 7.5 outta 10.
Since all this recipe talk is going on here instead of pictures of boobies I will now post a very good recipe from a friend of mine.

Die Eier Von Satan

Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillezucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier

In eine Schüssel geben
Butter einrühren
Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten

Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim

Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und

Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..

Very good stuff once done :blsmoke::finger::blsmoke:
What GPS strains do you guys feel are easy to trim??? I trimmed Hibernate and Cookie wreck and they are pretty easy to trim. 2 CNC plants had to be pulled early due to way overheating my tent and they were the worst! The plants had been mainlined into 8 main colas and they had a lot of side branching that I maybe should have trimmed off early on but did not. There were so many small dime sized buds the trimming never seemed to end. I got about 11 oz off those plants, but maybe 4 oz of it is so small I will end up using for joints, hash, or arthritis cream. It would be emabarassing to give away or sell those little buds.

So after like 8000 man hours of trimming those 2 plants, I want easier to trim buds! What GPS strains have you had experience with easy to trim bud? I have OBS and Copper Chem germinating right now.
Since all this recipe talk is going on here instead of pictures of boobies I will now post a very good recipe from a friend of mine.

Die Eier Von Satan

Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker
Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz
Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch
Ein halbes Pfund Butter
Ein Teelöffel Vanillezucker
Ein halbes Pfund Mehl
Einhundertfünfzig Gramm gemahlene Nüsse
Ein wenig extra Staubzucker
... und keine Eier

In eine Schüssel geben
Butter einrühren
Gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und
Den Teig verkneten

Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen
Im Staubzucker wälzen und
Sagt die Zauberwörter
Simsalbimbamba Saladu Saladim

Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und
Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und

Bei zweihundert Grad für fünfzehn Minuten backen und
Keine Eier ..

Very good stuff once done :blsmoke::finger::blsmoke:
Oh yeah? Friend of yours? Did Maynard happen to mention to you when the new album was going to be released?:bigjoint: