Greenpoint seeds!!

jesus im glad i didnt blow a wad on those S1's. I almost did and im tight on money as it is.... sorry to hear these issues are happening. Hopefully this doesnt put Gu off the map.
I bought straight from SAG. I'll admit 100% that I realized it was possible to good a deal (to good to be true). So I gambled on it anyway. And lost. I haven't received my beans yet. Don't even know if I will. And don't really care at this point. I do know, GP and Gu have been very good toward me. I appreciate that. And I still do. I'll still buy GP gear. But the "only reason" I bought SAG was he was on Gu's site. Gu vouched for him. And I trust Gu. I hate it for Gu, and myself. I took a 300 dollar lick. I'll live and learn. Gu I'm sure took a wallop! He's learned a valuable lesson too. Maybe we all did. And for all the "old timers," it's been a much needed refresher course. For me it has been. I'm new to the US genetics. And I love'em. (Always had been overseas for me). Like a kid in a candy store. We all get carried away sometimes. (We love marajuana). Pay attention and do your homework. Hope we all end up somehow nicely surprised!
jesus im glad i didnt blow a wad on those S1's. I almost did and im tight on money as it is.... sorry to hear these issues are happening. Hopefully this doesnt put Gu off the map.
I think quite a few of us are in this situation, I averaged about $27 a pack for these(unreal value!)....all except the mimosa and PP which I jumped on and paid full whack for.....I usually give people I feel are trying to do the right thing 3 strikes...this is bad and should never happen again 20180515_083501[1].jpg , but I'll still do business with Gu, this is one strike and since I paid cash, I would be happy with credit and see it more like half a strike hang in there Gu, you haven't lost me.
I think the last testers from 420 are the drop...

I would hope after this S1 debacle that the last thing Gu would do, would be to release untested cross's when the testers for said cross's haven't even shipped.

If that was his plan, I can't imagine he would have made such a big deal about the new testers. He would have just released the cross's.

I guess only time will tell.
I bought straight from SAG. I'll admit 100% that I realized it was possible to good a deal (to good to be true). So I gambled on it anyway. And lost. I haven't received my beans yet. Don't even know if I will. And don't really care at this point. I do know, GP and Gu have been very good toward me. I appreciate that. And I still do. I'll still buy GP gear. But the "only reason" I bought SAG was he was on Gu's site. Gu vouched for him. And I trust Gu. I hate it for Gu, and myself. I took a 300 dollar lick. I'll live and learn. Gu I'm sure took a wallop! He's learned a valuable lesson too. Maybe we all did. And for all the "old timers," it's been a much needed refresher course. For me it has been. I'm new to the US genetics. And I love'em. (Always had been overseas for me). Like a kid in a candy store. We all get carried away sometimes. (We love marajuana). Pay attention and do your homework. Hope we all end up somehow nicely surprised!
I bought straight from SAG also because of Gu vouching for him. Luckily I used PayPal and after almost a month of no seeds arriving I made a claim with PayPal. SAG contacted me within hours of PayPal claim, he refunded my money next day to close the claim. I assume he took care of my claim quickly so he could keep his PayPal account active to take other people's money...
It's always best to just run regs,find your own "elite cut"...grow her & show her off good.
First fem's I've run in 6 or 7 years...I found my first real fire in sub's chernobly and plushberry many years ago and he talked so bad about fems ,I never messed with them again, but I've seen so many great results with them, I'm trying to stay open minded, but this doesn't help.....first time in 7 years!
I would hope after this S1 debacle that the last thing Gu would do, would be to release untested cross's when the testers for said cross's haven't even shipped.

If that was his plan, I can't imagine he would have made such a big deal about the new testers. He would have just released the cross's.

I guess only time will tell.
I would say these crosses have already been proven with what has already been released in the wild west series. The same proud papa with some new baby mamas.
The thing that doesn't make sense is everyone is getting males? If there was male pollen floating around in this dudes op, there should be a fair number of females as well.... Idk, shitty non the less.
All the new 420 tester gear is done by Gu~ isn't it,as they are all SD crosses?Was anything mentioned about outside sources being involved in the making of those new beans?

I feel for all of us that grabbed these S1's but i gotta admit i'd rather be me or any of you guys than Gu~ in this situation.What a cluster fuck for him to deal with.
First fem's I've run in 6 or 7 years...I found my first real fire in sub's chernobly and plushberry many years ago and he talked so bad about fems ,I never messed with them again, but I've seen so many great results with them, I'm trying to stay open minded, but this doesn't help.....first time in 7 years!
I like fems(crosses) not s1 of a clone..

Like green points (South beach sherb) sherbet x 92 og hell I have not seen a bad post about them,or the others that got released.

Plushberry was a badass cross,I ran that for a long time..
I would say these crosses have already been proven with what has already been released in the wild west series. The same proud papa with some new baby mamas.

I get what your saying, just don't understand why he would do a tester drop if he had no intention of waiting for the results before releasing the cross's.

Seems like a waste of time and resources.
I get what your saying, just don't understand why he would do a tester drop if he had no intention of waiting for the results before releasing the cross's.

Seems like a waste of time and resources.
Your mixing up the testers
The tester that where released on 420 are not the new strains coming out . They where put on the site so everyone had a shot on 420 .