Greenpoint seeds!!

Next time I’ll be sure to take pictures of every bean in macro to be sure the peanut gallery knows exactly what’s going on.

You're strategy is to call the readers of this thread "the peanut gallery"?

Since you have such a low regard for the people in here, there's then only one reason to post your complaint on the thread.

The cash he’s raking in on each pack I’m sure it’s not going to hurt the fat pockets he’s got

If it quacks like a duck.......

If your family situation is what you say, you have my sympathy. There are people in this thread that would have given you beans. I know a lot of them.
Haha take a joke man don’t get all upset. I should be the one upset if you did every pack yourself how did I get 5 seeds in a 6 pack? And how do you explain empty seed shells? You haven’t sent or even said there is a replacement on the way. Sent you emails and done everything you asked so I could get a replacement and you ignore me. Every other bean I’ve cracked I soak for 24 hours and within two days there above soil. Yours I get two that sprout tails and so happens to be the most expensive pack ove bought. So here again is the picture I sent you when I opened your “6” pack. Have tons of great stuff all from seed . Stand up to your guarantee hard to grow the BESt when shit won’t even pop. This is the worst rate I’ve had ever. I wasn’t going to even post anything until you started ignoring me.
I'm curious do you use this keyboard for anything? Very dirty.
If you popped your beans along 20 plus others and they all made it then you would be ok to bitch.

But if you only tried popping a few and lost half .....
Taxes,alimony,taking a dump,death and the ol never ending debate of greenpoint nuggets.all the shit we can expect daily.fuck them nuggets.i personally got over that crap like 6 months ago and dont even really pay attention to them anymore.ill make 100 times over what 1 pack of seeds cost.if I see something I want now I'll just buy the shit.them nuggets are about as cool as McDonalds if you win a free French fry or mcrib but that's about it.
I popped 5 grandslam. all 5 came up but 3 out of the 5 were mutant as fuck. They didn't grow any normal sets of leaves and were growing extremely slow. I killed them. Not impressed with dvg so far. the other 2 no issues so far growing normally
Hey @Gu~, I was reading up on your tester lines and got a question about your Stardawg bx2 testers.

It sounds like the breedings went as follows:
Stardawg/Ghost F1 = Ghost OG x Stardawg
Stardawg bx1 = Stardawg/Ghost F1 x Stardawg
Stardawg bx2 = Stardawg bx1 x Stardawg

Is that the correct lineage? If so, then it’s actually 87.5% Stardawg / 12.5% Ghost OG.