Well-Known Member
With that roll job, its almost like blazing 2 J'sFor a forum full of weed smokers there's a heck of a lot of angry people, we should all sit back and just blaze one.

With that roll job, its almost like blazing 2 J'sFor a forum full of weed smokers there's a heck of a lot of angry people, we should all sit back and just blaze one.
Topanga my hs crush PSYCHE!Glad to hear Gu took care of you, I almost sent him a email when I discovered there was no option to pay cash. The only reason I didn't was the fact that Gu has given me some great deals in the past that he didn't have to when I contacted him after some issues with the website and I figured he would get this sorted out with out my involvement since many were in the same boat about wanting to pay cash and it wasn't isolated to just me.
He has shown in the past that when something like this slips through, he always makes it right! His dedication to his customer base is pretty amazing for any line of business, let alone this one.
Which Fems did you decide to try?
How about instead of spamming my journal with your goffness you keep it over here in the spam thread.
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Next up is a KS. It is roughly a week behind the others under the big lights. It is the tallest and is a curly bitch due to not liking the mix.
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Another shorter KS also showing some hook
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This next KS I have dubbed "Curly Sue" . Have never had leaves curl around so much.
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Another KS
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HOLY FUCK look at that nitrogen claw LMAO.wow man really.Thats like 1rst year noob shit.
Ya funny how that " what I thought was a nitrogen claw is infact a strain trait in the kushskunk. Sea-Of-Green Purple Kush x ISS. Oh no wait, Mike J must of somehow brought that up without me asking.
The following is his reply to me asking what Kush was used,
Hi, can I guess.... the KS are very dark green with leaves curling
under? It doesn't behave like I would expect it to genetically.
That's what I've seen anyway. It's not a strain I recommend very often but
it is interesting. Very potent.
I invite anyone here to go look at the pics in my journal. Make your own conclusions. They certainly hold more value then heisengoofs.
Oh they must be over fertilized because they do not seem to have the burnt tips yours do. I get it now.....
I looked and can't agree with you at all. I believe Heisengrow has got his shit together far above what you have shown us. Thanks for the invite though.
@Gu~ My seed order came today and only 6 of the 7 packs came, the cookies and chem is missing, how do we resolve this? I'll check my order number quick and post it
Hope so. I went from 100 to 0 when I saw that wasn't in there, I'm looking forward to what comes from all those packs but the cookies and chem was one I was more excited about, was planning on probably popping those first. Every pic I've seen of them look fire.One thing nobody in this thread will argue is the fact that Gu is the man when it comes to making hiccups right.
Hope so. I went from 100 to 0 when I saw that wasn't in there, I'm looking forward to what comes from all those packs but the cookies and chem was one I was more excited about, was planning on probably popping those first. Every pic I've seen of them look fire.
How the hell did you get the holes in that pot....?...... crazy!
I know some of you guys know the whole outlaw thing is really just a figure of speech for not following the rules/Its a waylon Jennings/Johnny cash/willie nelson kind of thing.We know them guys wasnt running with the hells angels and running heroin out of honduras.Just a thing for the guys that break the rules and dont follow the laws so well.Was never meant as a im in the mexican drug cartel kind of shit lol.Outlaw is what we call guys that corn deer,keep undersize fish,grow pot on the side,shit like that.Some people just take shit to heart and run with it.