Please dont take this as a personal attack.. I hear you but it definitely goes both ways... I have very rarely seen people take personal shots at Gu/GPS, in fact they usually say that the service is great etc, but if there have been multiple instances where people share issues/complaints and are met with aggression and hostility.
Show me a post where anyone has called someone "cheap, nut swingers, or shills" solely because they "used GP to improve their gardens".. Im mostly playing devils advocate, but usually when someone doesn't agree with Gu or his business practices the thread turns into a swarm of bees

Shit, just a couple days ago I had an issue with someone who called me a Gu "ass kisser" because they started complaining about not being able to combine shipping on auction wins and I pointed out posted GPS policy/procedure.. but if someone has a valid complaint both sides should try to handle things maturely and avoid aggression.