Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. Gifted? Damn dude, whatchya win a contest or something. That's a lot of free packs :clap:

I didn't mean it to come off as offensive.
Gu has built his reputation on standing behind what he sells. That should include everyone. Not just those of us who report our grows on the forums.
That's all.
He donated them for an auction I had. Had some family issues that needed taken care of. He offered. I figured a pack or two. He sent me 16. Out of the kindness of his heart. Plus I gave him 100 beans of my 90s purps to hunt through to bring into his urkle and mendocino purps I believe. He was very generous. He helped me raise over a grand himself.


Well-Known Member
I had 1 too. lmao

what medium you are using?
Living soil will make these plants a little more pliable once it adapts and starts "communicating" with the microbes.
I use promix bx and heavy course perlite. I mix each pot by hand. 7gal being biggest I use. But I use solo cups to measure with. But i use two cups perlite per one cup of promix soil. It gives me faster veg. Almost kinda like hempy buckets or hydro. But still get the good taste of soil grown herb. I think soil tastes better than hydro. Jus my opinion. But being super light and airy media the roots seem to grow faster. Like hydro. Which in turn makes above the soil grow faster. And I think upped my yield over heavy soil loaded pots.I've experimented with several different types and mixtures over the years. But 2 to 1 has been my sweet spot.


Well-Known Member
damn you tortured the little orphans. it wasnt' their fault. they just wanted to have a home,and be loved. lol
LOL, not me. Mother nature decided they weren't worthy. I suppose I could've tended them or at least gave em some lake water but in all seriousness...I really bit off more than I could chew this summer and just couldn't keep up. Expanding the garden was meant to distract me from this intolerable grief (I still haven't figured out how to endure this) but it kinda turned into more stress.


Well-Known Member
The 666 sale on Halloween night will get them basically the same deal if they don't mind waiting and buying $666 worth of seeds for $250.
Just guessing, but I have a feeling @Gu~ made a good sized batch of those 2 lines.
Yeah, he probably does have a big batch of these. Hopefully they'll be up for auction frequently for those who missed out.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I use promix bx and heavy course perlite. I mix each pot by hand. 7gal being biggest I use. But I use solo cups to measure with. But i use two cups perlite per one cup of promix soil. It gives me faster veg. Almost kinda like hempy buckets or hydro. But still get the good taste of soil grown herb. I think soil tastes better than hydro. Jus my opinion. But being super light and airy media the roots seem to grow faster. Like hydro. Which in turn makes above the soil grow faster. And I think upped my yield over heavy soil loaded pots.I've experimented with several different types and mixtures over the years. But 2 to 1 has been my sweet spot.
It doesn't really matter if you go with medium or large perlite unless you have a consistent particle size.
All it does is take up space and decrease the amount of moisture a growing medium will actually hold.
I bet you'd get similar results by switching from BX to HP.

BTW, promix doesn't have squat for nutrients. A little cal-mag from the dolomite but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
LOL, not me. Mother nature decided they weren't worthy. I suppose I could've tended them or at least gave em some lake water but in all seriousness...I really bit off more than I could chew this summer and just couldn't keep up. Expanding the garden was meant to distract me from this intolerable grief (I still haven't figured out how to endure this) but it kinda turned into more stress.
The way you describe it,
i'm picturing "Little Johnny" with that magnifying glass torturing those poor plants.
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Well-Known Member
Could someone tell me more about these auctions please. Thanks in advance
It's a reverse auction. When seed packs are on auction, they start at regular price, say $89 for most of them. Then at timed intervals (20 minutes), the price drops by 10% of its current value, so $89 drops by $8.90 to $81.10, then by $8.11, so on and so forth.

There ya go. Just gotta watch the site and see what goes up.


Well-Known Member
I use promix bx and heavy course perlite. I mix each pot by hand. 7gal being biggest I use. But I use solo cups to measure with. But i use two cups perlite per one cup of promix soil. It gives me faster veg. Almost kinda like hempy buckets or hydro. But still get the good taste of soil grown herb. I think soil tastes better than hydro. Jus my opinion. But being super light and airy media the roots seem to grow faster. Like hydro. Which in turn makes above the soil grow faster. And I think upped my yield over heavy soil loaded pots.I've experimented with several different types and mixtures over the years. But 2 to 1 has been my sweet spot.
i am using pro mix ,worm casting, big perlite and lots of compost and a super soil mix called"Dirt Farm"? 6" to 3gal,they explode in the 3's then either 7 gal or 10 gal totes.
you take and pore perlite to 3" in 1 tote, another tote drill many holes around and up the tote. set 1 inside the other. you get both soil and hydro too


Well-Known Member
This is for clone guys. i'm thinking about taking a clone of each strain i have. They are growing phenomenal in this living soil and these LEDs.
question is,i've never topped them, was just gonna clone the top, but i don't want them to spread anymore. lol
it's a good type of dilema. i guess i'm asking, how big of a stalk in diameter before it won't take to cloning.?
Any diameter is fine, but preferably not woody. I've found cuttings to root quicker when the stems are green They'll still root even when they're woody, but it takes longer IME.


Well-Known Member
This is for clone guys. i'm thinking about taking a clone of each strain i have. They are growing phenomenal in this living soil and these LEDs.
question is,i've never topped them, was just gonna clone the top, but i don't want them to spread anymore. lol
it's a good type of dilema. i guess i'm asking, how big of a stalk in diameter before it won't take to cloning.?
Also man if you don’t want it to bush out any just take a cut from the lower branches. The ones that only grow popcorn nugs

slow drawl

Well-Known Member
There was 8 now there is 7...Ya ever get so F'n stoned and really fuck something up?
Well during the culling process of my last 3 FMFs that's what happened, now I only have one. Back left plant is a male

Almost 3 weeks from the flip, pretty even canopy so far except for the FMF._DSC3315.JPG


Well-Known Member
Skywarden seems to be a good yielding variety, the smells are kinda dullish pine og earth smells, not super impressed with the smells but the structure of the buds , yield and frost levels are all good, i don't think this one is a keeper but i'd give it a solid B grade so far.