Greenpoint seeds!!


I thought we were just about getting the train back on the tracks lol
I tried to ...
I need new bulbs man lol
This is exactly what I was gonna say,my 315s aren't as good as my 5000k cobs or the 12 bulb t5.i always get better looking plants under the cobs than the cmh for sure.t5 is obsolete any more running 200 watts of cob that blows my 12 bulb t5 out of rhe water at 400 watts

This ^ I run all these:

Fucking phenomenal node stacking under the cobs for sure and I love how it tames stretch. I start from seedling on under them no problems, but I also use a light meter because I am always paranoid.

5x5 veg footprint and 4 1/2 flowering.

The future is definitely here and it is lookin bright =)

This ^ I run all these:

Fucking phenomenal node stacking under the cobs for sure and I love how it tames stretch. I start from seedling on under them no problems, but I also use a light meter because I am always paranoid.

5x5 veg footprint and 4 1/2 flowering.

The future is definitely here and it is lookin bright =)

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Whats the price on that thing? (looked on website quickly and didn't see)
What’s the price of one?
Can’t seem to find it on there site.
How long have you been running it?
18/6 or 24?

I have never and probably will never fuck with light schedule. I run 24/7 for veg 12/12 flower. Never an issue no reason to change. You can run 3-4 of these bad asses in one room with one ac vent if you are rocking homes still or save a shit load of money on split in a build like I run. I have run it both ways. It is about 5-7 degree increase in temps for light. In a basement 35.7596° N, 79.0193° (North Carolina on up) you probably don't even need ac even, but for 2 months of summer. As long as at least 2 of the walls are underground anyways. I had 1500 foot basement with a garage door stayed 72 in 100 degree weather in Tenn.

I run 3 on a 20 amp breaker. I never change bulbs and save huge with way less heat. You can probably do 4 on a 20 amp just fine. This is huge for house growers like I used to be. A game changer for sure. Incredible for warehouses.

I bought mine before they ever went on sale or public and paid 1200 bucks a piece not sure if that is the norm now or not but they used to be more pricey. I know they planned on getting that down after release so it probably is standard now. I think that my guys told me last time we spoke as being the new price. These guys are on top of their game. I found them a few years ago and made good roots with the company when they were getting things going. I could tell by speaking with them and seeing their products they were on a whole other fuckin level.
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Email them directly and ask if you can buy straight from them. I bought straight from them and continue to, but I am also a little different than the average person so no guarantees.

And no I am not sponsored by them or affiliated with them, but I sure would like to be won't lie. Feel free to tellem I recommended them.
Just researched that light
That is one beast
It's all about the drivers and voltage on the cobs.i prefer to build them so I can get that super spread out footprint and eficiency.premade fixtures are harder to ship so that pack higher voltage cobs on a smaller frame.
Smaller volatage and more cobs would cost a fortune pre built
These would cost you around 5000 to have built any day of the week.the most these companys are putting in a fixture is 12 cobs.
I get retarded growth with 30 low wattage cobs over a 4x10 2500 in parts and worth every cent

It's all about the drivers and voltage on the cobs.i prefer to build them so I can get that super spread out footprint and eficiency.premade fixtures are harder to ship so that pack higher voltage cobs on a smaller frame.
Smaller volatage and more cobs would cost a fortune pre built
These would cost you around 5000 to have built any day of the week.the most these companys are putting in a fixture is 12 cobs.
I get retarded growth with 30 low wattage cobs over a 4x10 2500 in parts and worth every cent

I've learnt a fair bit about them today for sure cheers
And I do apologise to @greenpointseeds For the last couple pages i realise this is a GPS thread not a grow lights thread
Did this logic dude purchase the seeds and continue to sell them after he knew they were fake rather than take a loss?
How about he never intended to take a loss because he knew what he was doing right from the start

A deliberate act to rip ppl off for $ and not care about morals,reputations or in general just being a gd human.

In aust we would have buried him up to his neck next to a giant ant Africa he woulda been stoned to death.
Already he's prob thinking he's got away with it....
I don’t think Blumats would scale up well, even at the size Heisengrow rolls, I think they would be a bit too fussy to set up and maintain. I believe @Greengenes707 moved away from them for that reason a while back.

For small grows, like mine, hard to beat.
I'm gonna disagree. Dripper tape is the shiznit. Blumats are all passive so as long as you can keep your res full you're golden. My 55g auto tops off so it's never really below 53 or 54 gallons. Filtered water source on a float switch for the win. The challenge with Blumats it the upfront cost for carrots, but again, tape can solve a lot of the issues distribution drippers cannot.
You can definitely save cash building your own but you are wrong about light spread with this brand. I also do not think you can compare heat sinks. They have hightech fancy adjectives I can't remember for how the angle + reflect lights in them. This is why they don't have to be so spread out. I know it works for a fact because I have my own higher end spectrometer and have seen them tested on on the real deal big boy ones.

Pretty positive this is the case, but even if not same exact deal.

Very odd both went by same supposed real life first name and the same first name people who have dealt with him in real life know him as.

Every person working on that site should be shunned and never dealt with. All play hand in sweeping up the mess and allowing him to continue to rob people.

It has everything to do with this thread since Adam is most likely Logic. Same scheme different day. And our hero Heisen here,,,kind of funny and a little ironic he was the hero and savior for exposing the s1's as fake? Hmmm....Now we got more s1's on the way to quote him, "Show @Gu~ how it's done".

Yeah heart of fuckin gold lol. Had me laughin good with that one.

Sorry not fuckin naive this guy is dirty too. He saw as a mod what went down and he fell for Logic's bullshit story about being ripped off when he is the source of the beans straight up or doesn't care.
