I walked off a 7' high retaining wall in the dark and landed on the asphalt below, shredded the one shin scraping the top of the wall as I fell, landed with arms out but also on my face from leg tipping me forward (while scraping the wall) loosened teeth, bottom lip was like ground meat, nose was scraped and bleeding as was chin, had a cut about 2 to 3"" on right palm (required 5 stitches), fractured the radial head in left elbow, tore ligaments in both wrists. Refused to go to the hospital that night my friends tried talking me into it, after some patching up and clearing the fog in my head (most likely had a concussion too) drove home and slept in the recliner, wife saw me in the morning and said either you are voluntarily going to hospital this morning or I am taking off work to escort you. Needless to say I agreed to go to the walk in clinic and found I had beat myself up pretty good

Oh yeah I should have let the wife take me too, while I thought I drove home OK the night before after stiffening up overnight making turns was torture the next morning when trying to drive! At least I am on the road to recovery now