Well-Known Member
When it degenerates into this you know you have won the debate with a liberal... LOL!
do forest fires cause global cooling?
When it degenerates into this you know you have won the debate with a liberal... LOL!
He and Buck had a tough one yesterday, their AGW consensus got shoved up their butts, so they're pissed off cause they were wrong.
do forest fires cause global cooling?
My avoidance seemed to fuel his passion. So, I braced myself for another barrage of confusing rhetoric.
I lost my balls to a bomb in Koreatnam. Show 'em the sex tape of Ki Jong Un, and Uncle Sam. Mountain Dew is a fundamental human right.You sunk my partisan-ship. Tin foil helmet - protecting my brainwaves. The DMV is run by by alien sex slaves. 911 was an upside job. Somebody kill the fucking whales! We we're supporting the zombie dinosaur insurgency in Koreatnam. And., hell if the godamn CIA was playing both sides of the conflict, and funding the space vampire invasion. I was gonna tell wikileaks, but, I got sent home after I was wounded in a crystalmethamphibians accident.
Can I have your pants?
You won't never get me back on a plane. I caught herpes from the TSA! JFK shot Abraham Lincoln.
Republican or democrat - you can't really tell - But, you're eyes start to water when you notice the smell.
Insane or not, you have to admire my dedication to myideals. Whatever they are.
You're trying way too hard
Why did you post this nonsense?
if you can provide a quote from me where i actually make that claim, i will leave this site forever.
have another lie, ANALLY.
Who's to say the ramblings of a crazed pinworm don't strike a chord in my head? While I'll admit that you have posts people can read and comprehend, your creepiness factor is through the roof. I'd take pinworm in a fight against the robots anyday.At least it's legible
Who's to say the ramblings of a crazed pinworm don't strike a chord in my head? While I'll admit that you have posts people can read and comprehend, your creepiness factor is through the roof. I'd take pinworm in a fight against the robots anyday.
Who's to say the ramblings of a crazed pinworm don't strike a chord in my head? While I'll admit that you have posts people can read and comprehend, your creepiness factor is through the roof. I'd take pinworm in a fight against the robots anyday.
You have very low standards for what you consider "creepy"
You just strike me as the creepy stalker type. No offense intended.
You have very low standards for what you consider "creepy"
You just strike me as the creepy stalker type. No offense intended.
I know more about you than you think, Fillmore.
...do you even read what you post?
I strike you as the "creepy stalker" type yet you felt it necessary to stalk my facebook and post my hometown?
Makes perfect sense..
I'm 26, 6'2", 215lbs, caucasian, have green eyes and smoke weed
Did you want my mothers maiden name or social security number, too?
Facebook? Haha...I don't even have a facebook page, let alone try to look at other peoples. I know where you live because I've seen you around. Post your picture enough, and someone will recognize you.