Dirtyd what do you think I should do i got about 24 plants inside before i put them outside should i put them in flowering to check sex them put them outside to veg would it hurt them ?
Well are these clones or seedlings how old are they?Dirtyd what do you think I should do i got about 24 plants inside before i put them outside should i put them in flowering to check sex them put them outside to veg would it hurt them ?
Dont rush your decision you could lose a month.anybody i gotta make a decision soon
If you follow this advice you will need to bring them back inside and get them back in veg. I would say a month that will take. If they are old enough you should be able to post pics that are showing the node and the primordia hopefully there will be a pistil also.Good Luck dirrtydi would just put them all outside and wait until they show you their sex to make your selection.
I wouldn't totally agree with this statement because alot depends on the grower. I have gotten good results both ways when I start early enough. Later this year I will put a plant out end of June I should still get a QP off of it when it is done. dirrtydIs This statement true?
'You are going to get your best results from seeds. I wouldn't waste anytime with clones except for a few plants just for novelty smoke. Seeds reign supreme outside. Clones are best for indoors'
Not sure about your common knowledge. But I know for a fact everything I grew clones and seeds last year produced a lb dry or better. Matter of fact had one clone produce 2.5 lbs dry. I have yet to only grow a couple of ounces on a plant outside. I would check your mehods stay tuned I will show you what a lb plant looks like. Or you can search my threads I'm sure I have some from last years grow pics that is. As for your last statement you should watch where you get your clones from also spray them as soon as you get them.Again these are from my growing experiences here in the Bay Area can't speak for where you are or anyone else. Good Luck dirrtydto make my statement clearer above, i personally wouldn't sex them, i would just let them sex when its time 2. (especially if your gonna place them outside to flower, like dirty d said, you could lose a month- and that could be a killer.)
i haven't done clones yet, but its pretty common knowledge that seed plants yield more (outdoors anyway, im not an indoor grower) couple of ounces for a clone and closer to a pound or more on seed plant (on a decent grow) but theres always exceptions, genectics, soil, light, ect. What i hear from fellow growers is clones are more prone to get diseases than seed plants, but its not from my personal experience.
Well seed would have to be King that way close knit quite community back there. Sun lets just say when it comes up and set it is in my backyard. So yes I can cater to my plants but I generally just water once my soil mix is done.dirrtydi haven't fooled with clones yet but i know ppl who have and their yields have ranged from 2 ounces to 1lb and some ounces (same strain, location, ect) also the strain isn't a well known one. (but they use it every yr) i really didn't know clones competed so much with seed plants, near TN where i am seed plants are king (near 2 lb's). How much sun are/were your plants getting dirty? I plan on trying clones whenever i buy from seedbanks (1 or 2 yrs) so i can have a mother plant
Sounds good just remember you have over 5 weeks from today before you will get a true 14 hours of daylight. Good Luck dirrtydthey where all from seed im just gonna put them out side i guess and see how it goes.
Good Luck and be safe in them hills. dirrtydyum, that's a lot of sun. Usually we go for 6 hrs of direct light here (around 10-4) however i have one lot that gets FULL sun, they'll be 2 females there so im hoping its my biggest yield yet.
Now is the time to put the work in . You will see the fruits of your labor in July. Keep it up just got through digging will take pics tomorrow. dirrtydI'm heading back out there to redig some holes and start dropping what soil I have in there now.Giddy!!!
If you were to put them out starting from seed now they should go straight through with no interruption. I will posting the pics here on my thread that way folks will be able to see what size holes I use and get lbers. That three foot four foot mess is overkill in my opinion. I see folks in raised beds grow trees. dirrtyd? When would be a good time to put them out when the daylight turns to 14 hours? Where you plan on posting those pictures on this thread or a different one