Greenhouse powder feeds

Start of week 7 ,really looking nice and frosty now .Looking forward to sampling this,its so different from the last batch of it same seeds just so different,in smell and look.The other had almost blue buds to it solid,these are more of a really light green.Ive said it a few times now,but I honestly think it has a look of old school exodus,it's got the crowns that pop of just like exodus did .There not caused through light leaks it's just what it does. 20210313_145728.jpg20210313_145721.jpg20210313_145706.jpg20210313_145655.jpg20210313_145642.jpg20210313_145612.jpg20210313_145555.jpg20210313_145550.jpg20210313_145543.jpg20210313_145525.jpg
Even the bottoms are solid ,they will be going to hash and edibles,oil has started giving me really bad indigestion. Aint sure why this is after all these years of using it ,thinking maybe because I changed alcohol I wash it with.But I really don't want to risk losing any of the bud,that I could use in another way .I'm thinking of just doing gummie bears ,but not with fruit juice they go mouldy when took out of freezer.So I'm thinking by washing for a far shorter time,and using gums bought from a shop .Will give them a better shelf life,without me having to guess the amounts of preservatives. 20210313_145511.jpg20210313_145518.jpg20210313_145537.jpg20210313_145543.jpg20210313_145530.jpg
Hps room 2 plant scrog ,nice long colas.
Banana krumble and super lemon haze
Also mighty grape in one of the corners under sf1000,only really had light for around 2 week this one .Nearly pulled it out,the reason I have only jut hit it with the one light is aint been well at all after that first vacine .But feeling better now after 48 hour .So im thinking of either raising it or putting another light over it 20210319_075820.jpg
Gutted that i never cloned this ,but the amount of beans i have of it now .I should be able to find another the same.I have popped 4 beans of these of go go and chill and every single one has turned into some of the best structured plants i have grown,the exact sae when it come to the sugar factory.But i kinda think that strain is cursed with me,first time i did it dropped the nicest pheno. Second time i did it got busted ,so im moving straight over to those f2 that you have,that purple stomper sounds fire give me heads up if ya have any of those.I have no idea what it would have tested at but dam its strong.The taste i like also ,its super pepper tasting.Creeps up on you ,you think its not doing much.Then boom,happened to my brother,he smokes a lot to him.
Plant really looking nice now ,gonna be a nice spring,out to get a greenhouse this week.Gonna be hitting the garden with those cbd flavors,full pack of blackberry kush,im wanting to set 3 packs of autos I have Has well bcn diesel ,nice bud.Got two last year from outdoors,so hoping on hitting the hills near me with these.Im trying to come up with a way of getting this strain in normal photo period plant,(blackberry kush)im really wanting to produce nice amounts of this.The Amount of cbd users that ask me for this strain is unbelievable.Its definitely around 1%thc high cbd ,its a great feeling .Would be ideal if ya going for a nice walk in Highlands,and ya wanting that calming feeling with out a body stone.Should be prescribed for anxiety and that is definite .The Mighty grape is really looking nice now has well,she has a real dense cola.With many smaller side buds ,that will be getting left at least 14 days after the slhaze bkrumble comes out next week.I can not wait to smoke those ,but im looking more forward to seeing the smokers reactions to it,from the bit I get rid of to my buddy .He bust it up into shots,so be interesting to see the reaction of folk yo this.No one ever knows its if me,apart from two friends who are family .So I get people saying ya should try that bud so and so has ,its a great feeling .I'm sure ya have all had it,kinda people saying your work is beautiful.But the more I smell it and go in the room the less I want to let go,the other thing is its definitely not going to oil ,the banana krumble the bottoms I mean.To nice ,the lemon haze can go to oil and mighty grape.The whole plant is going to oil ,of the mighty grape.Loads of fluffy buds in the middle of plant ,that are covered in trichomes.So only good tops will be saved,anything fluffy will go to oil and vape oil .I'm hoping on getting a rosin press ,this summer.Save a hell of a lot of messing around ,far easier for those that need it medically.But don't smoke it,but will vape. Be easier to use easier for my wife and me also .Because we make them gummies and edibles brownies.But most go for oil,with getting hit not long ago .It's great to have the gardens in such beautiful condition.If anyone has any ideas of the best way to get that blackberry kush into bean form,could I cross this with a straight out hemp strain (male) that smells nice.20210405_104633.jpg20210405_104645.jpg20210405_104659.jpg20210405_104706.jpg20210405_104712.jpg20210405_104717.jpg20210405_104730.jpg20210405_104822.jpg20210405_104835.jpg20210405_104843.jpg
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I added the tent photos from the blackberry kush from the tent,stunning.These in the main room are 8 week so there really looking well for there age,looking like those tops are gonna be easy pruning.20210405_104851.jpg20210405_104857.jpg20210405_104902.jpg20210405_104910.jpg20210405_104917.jpg20210405_104927.jpg20210405_104931.jpg20210405_104937.jpg20210405_104946.jpg20210405_105059.jpg
New kid on the block,the pod cbd,along with some of the best beans I've ever run cannatonic,from go go and chill,pop every time with in 24 hour.The plant its self is complex,its definitely got great levels of both thc and cbd.But I honestly think there's more to it than that,I'm sure that the levels of cannabanoids be it cbd cbg thc cbn along with the others makes it what it is .It's heavy stone to the point that the last one was a little to strong ,I only was using for sleeping.And I only needed about a 1/4 of a 1g joint to be out of it and asleep .But it did cause my anxiety to be bad twice ,but that was my own fault.When I first smoked it,I smoked about 3/4 of a joint and it didn't hit me for a few minutes .A very long time since I had smoked a creeper ,it slowly crept up then boom.But even the normal smokers like it ,and funny enough they all say the same its strong.So I would love to know more about the cannabanoids working with each other to give this effect.To the point that a strain a 6% thc and 17 % cbd can get even a heavy smoker stoned. I think its the body is not used to some of those cannabanoids in those levels ,because most strains start out with nice levels of say cbd cbg cbn ,but the longer you flower the less they become present in the flowers.Should look really nice these two both throw purple late on.Not sure they will in temps we are having atm,gonna start reactivating the soil from last summer ,for outdoor crop.I will get away with getting them going a little earlier this year with help of greenhouse.But I will be putting them in fabric pots,cutting bottom out and then back to same location has last year.Two more locations to find yet,I have a lovely large bank that I'm gonna hit with another pack ,its to steep for most to walk on.For my future ref these are just over 48 hour old 20210405_105050.jpg20210405_105046.jpg
3 oz of this bud from the two spiderfarmer lights,it's not about the quantity with this one.Its cbd of the highest grade,ended up with 3 oz of nice flower 1/2 oz of bottoms that are fluffy,and 16 gram of heavy sugar coated leaf that I will be using has cbd tea.IMG_20210409_122817_128.jpgIMG_20210409_122629_660.jpg
Banana krumble ,massive producer from seed just over 15 oz from that one plant.Best weight I have had in a very long time,the super lemon haze did 10 oz of nice solid buds.Also got a oz 1/2 of small buds from bk and a oz from slh .Loads of sugar leaf that will be going to oil along with the smaller buds .well chuffed with both strains,and will definitely be doing it again soon has I can get this landlord out of my hair.20210410_093905.jpg
Mighty grape ,really am gutted that this had to come down early just weighed it up now its dry .Really great weight from the 3 i did,this will not break no records,pruned it all up but there's only really 2 1/2 I will have for my self ,the other 3 .I will be either putting to oil ,but more likely vape oils.I really do want to suss these out .So any input into doing them would be great,I have just watched a post on Youtube.But the woman decarbs it for 3 hour on gas mark 1,but then put it back into a jam jar with lid on.Into boiling water for a hour and half ,with a mix of pg and vg .after just putting it through cheese cloth and its ready to go my question is this would it not be de carbed after been put in the boiling water in a pan ,then20210411_173504.jpg20210411_173516.jpg20210411_173538.jpg in jam jar,then heat from the vape pen,the heat from that would surely convert the thc.Or am I wrong with this .
The purple diesel is coming a long nicely
so is the cannatonic,I have ordered a cut of amnesia and a pack of stardawg.Its what everyone is asking for so give em what they want,ive done the amnesia before.
Material from the banana krumble that I'm using for hash,Got pretty much same quality from the mighty grape . I'm going to be using that for oil ,also aload of sugar leaf.I will be using that has well ,gonna be a fairly big run.IMG_20210416_181733_659.jpgIMG_20210416_181626_484.jpgIMG_20210416_181557_792.jpgIMG_20210416_181530_984.jpgIMG_20210416_181415_615.jpgIMG_20210416_181453_851.jpg
Been robbed with the stardawg seeds,do not order from kandy seeds.There accepting money but not sending the seeds out robbing twat.I order a while a go now and had two drops from attitude in that time ,I should have stood with grizzly and attitude.I hate when shit goes on like this with beans,by sounds of it he has earned a fortune of the back of that Liverpool cut of stardawg.Villa in South of France and lives in Greece,drives a nice sports car .He should shut the site down,you was warned about the site guys.
You could make a fortune of this if ya could some how get the money with out it been traced back to you.Its selling for min 180/220 on the oz on the cbd Facebook pages,had loads asking about shots of it and portions. But I only really do enough of it to see me through till next ones due ,I would love to some how cross it and get this exact plant ,but in normal photoperiod.I would love a mother of it I could keep long term,im gonna be doing a few hemp seed out door grows this summer,in hopes I can find a nice female that I can save.I also have a good few bcn diesel autos that need starting soon ,found 2 south-facing slopes that are ideal for a few.Im going to run 5 on each piece of land .In hopes I can get a few oz from them ,really for oil .Past few summers I've done really well with autos.20210417_174949.jpg
Few more beans,its the thing about these forced breaks ,I go mad with seeds,this time went with grizzly for stardawg I know this is nice .The other is 100% a fake site,Two free grape and one GSC pheno 20210422_101304.jpgthin mint auto lol