Greenhouse Lemon Skunk - Your Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hey :-P
I was thinking of ordering some lemon skunk from Greenhouse. Anyone grown it or smoked it? Im growing Super Lemon Haze and it is great so far so i wanted to grow the plants it was bred from too.
peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think you would be better off throwing that greenhouse shit out the door and finding a breeder who isn't solely out to screw over people who don't research their products.


Active Member
another baseless greenhouse hater ,cute. Lemon skunk is a good strain.. go to euseedfnder for a good review


Active Member
that is bs. Its not like gh go around breeding with hermies or shit plants. they are a legit breeder . there is many other breeders with some shit plants /phenos, not just gh. though I have had dnas lemon and it is good

Rev whop

New Member
I have had gh lemon skunk from their shops...bland, smell and taste were kinda there but just super weak. Had DNA ls from grey area...awesome,really strong lemon taste smell everything. Bought DNA lemon skunk Beans and grew lemon skunk tasted just like grey area stuff. DNA ls is much stronger tastes favors and smells.


Well-Known Member
I've had killer GHS Lemon Skunk. Anyone who has grown it tend to find a winning phenotype. It's half of SLH which is also outstanding. You won't win all the time when you're popping seeds, but you should find a good plant.


Well-Known Member
It sounds good. There seem to be alot of GH haters on this forum. I grew out a big bang and it was good, i got a leafy pheno but it was a unique smell, potent and easy to grow.
The diamond girls looks interesting from greenhouse.
im going to order 2 Lemon skunks seeds.... check out my grow, including 2 Phenos of Super Lemon Haze...One VERY sative, the other more indica/skunk side.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people will just saying GHS has no quality genetics outright. This isn't true. Most of these people have no experience with them. However, they do have a lot of inferior lines that don't live up to their names. SLH/Lemon Skunk though are winners.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir I have grown it. I grew out 5, all five were high yielders, yet was trash, I hear their cheese is good but I know from the strains I grow there are better. Cute cartoon character btw. Thc bomb qas trash and so was acupolco gold, I dont grow junk man. I speak from my own experiences.20131117_160346.jpg


Active Member
I've grown DNA Lemon Skunk about 4 times and love it. While a decent yielder 2-4 oz avg., the taste, smell, bag appeal, and effect are top notch imo. It seems like spider mites tend to attack this strain over others, very similar to pineapple express for me. A friend has been growing this strain for the last 5 years and never has any haters. :hump: