Greenhouse Lemon Skunk Seedling HELP!


I don't know what's wrong with my plant! It like stopped growing today and I added the CFL lamp today and shit ain't happening... What the fuck is wrong with my plant?!?! I planted in my soil on 11/9/11 and still the seed is very well on the head of the plant.

Fucking strain germinated slow also


The stem is still pretty weak... I don't wanna risk the chance of breaking that bitch in half. This is the longest I put her in the light and I'm a leave the light til I go to sleep.

Yesterday I put her near my window for like 4 hours and put her back in darkness and she grew a little bit... Does she need more darkness or light at this point or what?

Appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
its a doesn't need shit for light at this point...a 2 day old seedling at that...ive had seed shells stay hooked on for over a week...just give it time :)


Active Member
Spray a small stream of water on the shell and it will slide off with ur finger after 10 min of being moist. If you planted the seed 2 days ago then I would follow the advice given above and leave it. if the stem has been above ground for 2 days I would think about taking it off today or tomorrow if it hasn't come off already by itself.


Ok... I checked to look and see the shit was dead... So I'm gonna start again anew but I don't know which one to grow first really... and should I keep the wet soil or throw it away? I don't think it will grow on this conditions from my experience.

Greenhouse Church, Chemdawg, and 2 free seeds that came with it, Yumbolt 47 and Pakistan Ryder... yah.... so which strain is the strongest?