Greenhouse Indica Grow: A.M.S./Trainwreck/Church/LemonSkunk/WhiteRhino/Cheese PICS


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This is my first official grow log, I have grown a few times over the years and wanted to log this one. Updates will probably be infrequent, as this is an outdoors guerrilla grow. When updates do come, there will be many pictures and comments.

What I got going:

3 White Rhino
3 A.M.S.
3 Church
1 Cheese
1 Trainwreck
1 Lemon Skunk
5 Bag Seeds

I received a few greenhouse indica mix packs from Attitude and a Church/A.M.S. mix from worldwide seed co. I live in the Northeast of America and needed a relatively hardy strain that will be more bushy than lanky, that is why I went with the indica packs.

Out of all 17 plants, only 4 are still inside. I have two A.M.S. and two Church in my seedlings chamber. Inside the chamber is 127 watts of 6500k light, I just started giving the plants a weak 18-18-21 nutrient mix with some superthrive. They are currently around a week old, I plan on letting them grow 2-3 more weeks before moving them outside.

No pictures of the 13 plants that are outside (yet!). The 4 that are inside are pictured below.



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9 Outdoor Plants

All a little over a month old.

Lemon Skunk was topped by a creature of the night.

In dirt and manure with extra stuff throw in for good measure.

Bag Seed

Bag Seed

White Rhino

Bag Seed

Bag Seed

Lemon Skunk


Train Wreck

Bag Seed


Active Member
Yasser: Out of 4 Church seeds, 3 popped. 1/2 for seeds from the attitude, 2/2 from worldwide seed co.

Smileyface: This is an outdoor grow, I am just keeping the seedlings inside for a few weeks, no need for HPS or MH. CFL are working out great so far, it is worth noting that I had some amazing results with just CFLs for a indoor grow throughout the plants entire life cycle. I had no intention of using the superthrive for flowering.

Here are some pictures of the seedlings today. I have noticed growth over the past 24 hours and things are looking good so far.


Well-Known Member
Yasser: Out of 4 Church seeds, 3 popped. 1/2 for seeds from the attitude, 2/2 from worldwide seed co.

Smileyface: This is an outdoor grow, I am just keeping the seedlings inside for a few weeks, no need for HPS or MH. CFL are working out great so far, it is worth noting that I had some amazing results with just CFLs for a indoor grow throughout the plants entire life cycle. I had no intention of using the superthrive for flowering.

Here are some pictures of the seedlings today. I have noticed growth over the past 24 hours and things are looking good so far.
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thats good. Keep them inside untill you know there sex. That way they will have a proper envoirment. They are looking good so far.
Personally i would find a mother and get clones off her. So pick your best female. Then put the mother and all the clones outside.
Im never growing in those cups again. Get at least a 1 litre pot for seedlings. That way in 4 weeks they wont be rootbound.


Active Member
Smileyface: The greenhouse seeds are feminized, the bag seeds are not. Although having a mother and clones would be nice, that would require too much time inside. I am keeping the plants inside only for a short period time, I do not have the space or the lighting to grow a mother plant, nor would I feel comfortable with the risk. Those cups have proven themselves to work excellently, as previously stated, this is an outdoor grow, they will not be in those cups for more than 4 weeks. Liter pots would be too large to transport, thus the small size works best for a guerrilla grow.

Be careful with bag seed. How did they get seeds in there? Might be hermies. Check to conferm.
I am not certain what you mean by this. Seeds come in bags every so often.


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Daily update of the 2 Church and 2 A.M.S.

They are approaching 2 weeks... maybe... I don't remember.

I think they probably won't need that much more time inside. I will go another 2 weeks, but they probably would be fine if I put them out now.



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These are the Church and A.M.S. that are in the seedling chamber:


These are the 4 never before pictured plants.



White Rhino

White Rhino


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Another Daily

These fellas are looking to be placed outside. I was gonna give it another week, but they are looking very aggressive.

After visiting my outdoor crop, I have decided to make an insect repellent spray (garlic, cayenne, soap). In addition, I will prune the bottom to focus development to the upper branches. The trimmings might be used for clones.


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Proohio: All three Churches are doing very well. I took an interest to them, along with the A.M.S., because its hardiness and resistance to mold. It is one of the few Greenhouse strains that are considered outdoor on their website. One is outside, two are still inside. Only time will tell how they will turn out, but things are looking good.

I have noticed that the plants could use an extra dosage of nutrients. After seeing my outdoor crop, I noticed the need for bug repellent, I created it last night and sprayed a little on one of my seedling's leaf. We will see how it looks tomorrow, if it passes the test, I will apply it to all my plants this weekend.

Growth has slowed, so there isn't too much of a change. Regardless, here are today's pictures. I have a hunch I will become impatient and put this guys outside sooner than expected.



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It has been a few days. Seedlings are planted outside.

I took a few pictures when I visited my first patch. I noticed one of the bag seeds was showing signs it was a male, considering it is May, I find that to be very strange. It was removed, the rest were sprayed with a home made bug repellent.

Four Bag Seed plants remain, mostly healthy looking. They are about 3 feet tall. I pruned the bottom to clean them up.
BagSeed1.jpgBag Seed3.jpgBagSeed4.jpgBagSeed2.jpg

My Greenhouse Seeds are looking nice as well. Lemon Skunk is notably smaller due to its unexpected topping.

White Rhino

Lemon Skunk

Train Wreck


I pruned the bottom of the Greenhouse strains as well, this time I saved the bottom shoots to try my hand at cloning. The circumstances where far from ideal, considering it is a guerrilla grow, the cuttings had to wait 45 minutes or so before I could put them in soil. I have 13 clones, the white rhino seems the weakest. If one or two survive, I'll consider it a success.



Active Member
Here is an update of some of the A.M.S / Church / White Rhino

It is pretty clear that these are growing differently than my lager batch. This stop is exposed to more sun, however it is also exposed to more harsh winds. It will be interesting to continue to compare the two stops to see how different conditions effect the quantity and quality. Very bushy, shorter, denser plants. I am very impressed with these guys.


My experiment with clones has developed into a promising venture. I initially stated that I thought all would die because of the conditions that they were taken under. I also stated that the White Rhino were the weakest, I assumed they would be the first to die off. That was not the case. Out of the 13 clones taken, 11 remain. They all have a chance to make it, I think they are just over the hump. Leaves drooped and turned yellow, but it appears the nitrogen from the leaves was used to make roots, and they are recovering. About 6 are really healthy looking, the rest need to catch up. I will give them another week before putting them all outside.


What I got going (updated):

28 Plants Total (how did this happen?)

16 Outside
11 Clones Inside
01 Seed in the Mail (Green-O-Matic)


Active Member
hey there. i know im a few months late, but when you germinated, did all the white rhino and the cheese germinate and do well? im asking because i have seen/had mixed results with greenhouse but theyre the best price for the best strains.


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Almost 10 months since my last post, on the eve of starting a new adventure and I just wanted to wrap this up.

So my bag seeds all flowered early and were harvested the first week of July. I doubt they were autoflowers, considering they were from different sources. I blame the location, perhaps the tall trees cut down the light cycle early in the season. Out of the 5, 3 were male, the remaining 2 were littered with seeds because I didn't think I'd need to check and pull males in June. All those seeds will come in hand this season tho.

Lemon Skunk was a poor bastard. He was like the friend you always rooted for but continued to get shitted on. It was topped by a dear or something, then dug up a few weeks later by a raccoon. I threw the bastard in dirt with the complete expectation it would die... but it didn't. I harvested a pathetic amount, but that was still impressive. It really smelled of lemons, I never believe people when they say things like "smells just like fruit." But this smelled just like lemon, seriously. I give it a thumbs up for being tenacious and really lovely smelling, but the smoke was poor because of how undeveloped the plant was. I am sure it would thrive in sunny, pest free zone.

White Rhino. These where the monsters of the group. Gigantic and gangling. Started to become an issue with its height and weight, starting falling over itself. Largest plant, largest and densest buds. However, dense buds are not a good thing in a humid environment. Was plagued with mold, lost a lot of branches to bud rot, but since it was so large, it yielded more smokable ganja than some of the other mold resistant strains. I would top it if I did it again, but its too humid around here to try again. Smoke report? Mehh... Its a body stone, not really heady. I found smoking it alone was a disappointment, the key is to mix it with a higher thc strain. It is a great additive to another strain when you want a more body high.

Trainwreck. Most powerful strain I grew, really nice end product but wasn't the favorite during the growing process. It was a low yielding strain, did not harvest nearly as much as from the others. It did not look as strong and durable, however it did not mold at all, perhaps by the lack of dense buds. If you can monitor your crop often, don't mind its low yield, and you can provide it some protection from wind, it might be worth it. High was intense.

Cheese was a hermie, shame. This strain grew then best, and was the easiest to clone.

AMS. This is my favorite. It certainly was the most successful strain. High is strong. Yield was large. Mold? Well, it was very mold resistant, considering the large and dense buds. But I cant say it lived up to its name, it did mold. If you live in a humid and windy area, get it. It was only $33 for 5 fem seeds shipped from the Attitude. Its a safe bet and a great performer. If you are doing an outdoor grow, give it a shot. I will praise this strain forever.

Church. Uhhhh... kinda forgot. Did not yield as much, did suffer from mold. It had a distinct smell while curing. Kinda roasted coffee like. High? I forget. AMS out performed it every way.

Next on the list: Bag seeds, Barneys LSD, and greenhouses Moby Dick. Have 2 AMS and 1 Church left so they will accompany the others. Maybe I will start a thread for them.


Active Member
Dude. Epic. I want to do a guerrilla grow soo bad. Been saving up bagseed to do it some day.
Question for you though. How long after germ did the plants show sex?


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I felt compelled to correct an error on my review of the strains. Specifically, the Church strain is actually awesome. I harvested it and forgot about it, I just broke it out of storage and tried it, it is great. On par, if not better than A.M.S. in every way.