Greenhouse big bang


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to show a pic of my plant, pretty chuffed with how this grow has gone. Iv grown a couple of plants before but only bagseed in my windowsill and just for fun more than anything else but this is the first plant iv had bud :)

i prob put it in to flower a little early at about 9" and its now around 2ft, kinda wish id topped it and vegged for a little longer, but hey iv got 7 more big bang seeds :blsmoke:

il get a better pic at lights out with a better camera

the hairs have just started turning red but only a few, prob less than 5% are red so how long do you think it will take till its ready. i didnt keep track of when i put it in to 12/12 so im ot sure how far along it is. Maybe 6 weeks



Well-Known Member
Looks good. You should buy a cheap hand held microscope. That is is the best way to tell if a plants ready. You can buy them for about $10.


Well-Known Member
thanks il look out for a microscope somewhere in the uk, prob going to be a while yet as its not very crystaly at the moment


how long did you veg for before you started flowering? And if im growing in a green house is it completely neccesary to put into 12/12 if so what would be the best way to do this?