Greengenez's Grow


Well-Known Member
The color is off on my camera. If the true colors showed through, you would see plant 3 has a bad nute deff. (She was so root bound, and soil was so loose, that she needed constant feeding)
She is recovering nicely now.


Well-Known Member
I been hearing Lots of good reviews on the chocolate rain!
Me too. I can't wait to run them through. Mine are still very small, but lookin' good.
I think my Jack The Ripper is prob. up next for flower(hopin' it's a female.) SHE looks good though with some good branches for cloning.


Well-Known Member
Starting to get some good flower action goin' on. I'll try and post some pics tonight or tomorrow. my plant 4(one of the shorter more compact plants) is starting to really look nice. I'm thinkin' that this is a keeper so far. I will try and explain why through pics later.( This is not set in stone).

I been thinkin' about that Big Laughing also. I've seen a couple reports on it and never heard bad things, but out of a pack of 11, I couldn't get 1 that was worth the time to grow.
Now I doubled my price, and let me say that I hope the dope has a good deal more than double the potency of the Big Laughing.Which trust me, I still see nothing funny.
I also will get a pic of a un-topped BL that snuck its way back into my flower room. It's a big girl.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics from today.
DSCN1412.jpgDSCN1414.jpgThese are plant 4. Out of the 2 shorter plants,I think she looks the best in plant structure and bud development. (I really can only compare it to plant 3, the taller pheno, the others are a little behind.) The little buds already look like the could start adding up to something.

Here's a picture of the two shorter phenos together (Plants 2 & 4)
To me plant 4 (left) Is fuller and just seems sturdier. (Ready to hold some weight)


Well-Known Member
These are the two taller pheno Plants 1 & 3.
DSCN1413.jpg I really like the looks of plant 1. (right) She is the fuller of the two taller phenos. Growing in more of a bushy patern, where Plant 3 is a little more slender and traditional picture book looking plant.

A little flower action from plant 3.
DSCN1417.jpg She's chugging along looking good, but plant 4 looks a little denser. It's still a little early for favorite picking. (number 1)

And last, but least The Big Laughing that snuck into flower. There are actually 2 in this pic. the one on the right was topped and stuffed behind the other. You can see the traditional shape and the stretch it has, its to bad it turns out whispy, and not potent.( I would like to ring this plants neck)
she towers over plants that were Nearly the same size as her when put into flower.
I'm gonna make that last wreck of a plant into some hash and hopefully get something out of the deal. Thats prob. where these will end up too.


Well-Known Member
I've been moving my Chocolate rain in and out of the flower room to speed them up a little. I'm pretty stoked to get these through.
This one I topped.DSCN1422.jpg DSCN1423.jpg


Well-Known Member
Plant 1 (my favorite so far)
009.jpg010.jpg All are flowering nicely now, and all smell fantastic.(sweet with a lingering musky, skunkie, funk in the back) Plant 1 flowers.


Well-Known Member
Plant 2
Plant 3
Plant 4 ( I like this one also)
Plant 4 is (short pheno) is really nice. Growing nice round flowers that seem to have a little more meat to them than the others. She also puts her funk a little more up front then the others. I can't wait to blaze some of this, it smells so good.


Well-Known Member
A quick report on the smell factor of these dope plants.

Was just moving some stuff around in the room, and I picked up a smell that was so good that I had to molest my first bud of the dope.
The funk has seemed to disappear and left behind a scent that is so sweet it's hard to describe.
To say it's sweet is a serious understatement. As soon as the scent gets close to your nose, a taste(that's right I said taste) so fruity, and so juicy, rolls across your tongue, and makes the salivary glands go into action.

All four plants smell so good it, I really don't think its going to be hard to find a keeper.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
A quick report on the smell factor of these dope plants.

Was just moving some stuff around in the room, and I picked up a smell that was so good that I had to molest my first bud of the dope.
The funk has seemed to disappear and left behind a scent that is so sweet it's hard to describe.
To say it's sweet is a serious understatement. As soon as the scent gets close to your nose, a taste(that's right I said taste) so fruity, and so juicy, rolls across your tongue, and makes the salivary glands go into action.

All four plants smell so good it, I really don't think its going to be hard to find a keeper.
After seeing yours and hearing about the smell/taste i have to run a pack of these next.


Well-Known Member
I was in the market for something with a nice sweet flavor. these smell like some kind of juice concentrate.(real heavy,sweet,juicy)
I think juice prob. is the best description.

Was pretty unhappy with the BL, but these, so far are true beauties.