Green water, Bad, Good or OkAY


Well-Known Member
I make a gallon of H2O from my well (No chlorine or fluoride), add my little 1/4 tsp nutes and use it up in 3 daily waterings but in 3 days it turns green and there is green on the bottom of my water jug.

Is this bad to use at day 3 or should I make it fresh every time?

I'm getting a slight yellowing on one girl and taco leafs on another so I raised my light higher. Note: They are almost ready for transplanting.

80°F / 50% humidity recently lowered to 35 because of some yellowing.

In attached pic, 6 girls, 3 feminized genetics.

Is using 3 year old nutes bad? They've been stored in a cool place and I've heard that they're good for up to 10 years.

Thoughts / expertise?



Well-Known Member
Maybe check the ph on the second or third day and make sure it’s not drifting. Also, sometimes there can be some chemical reactions between the nutes which can tie up some nutrients. If you’re not seeing any issues, carry-on!