Green-o-Matic in pc grow case


I'll try and pick up a thermometer soon.

and i am just using tigerbloom, i dont really have the money to get anything more.

I haven't noticed any bugs, tho i did find an ant that got stuck on a bud because it was so sticky and died lol, kinda gross. but that was the only bug i have seen.

i did have a tiny fungus problem on the soil. but i scraped it off and put fresh soil down.

I have thought that it might be a micro nutrient problem. but what's wierd is that the other plant is in soil from the same bad. and its fine.
only thing i can think of is that maybe since this one go so badly burned and it caused so much new growth it just blew thru its micro nutrients.
or the burn just screwed up the plant... trouble is it seems to be getting worse.


i may know why Ida isnt doing so hot.
since they were identical in every way(same lights, same temps, same water, same nutes)
the only thing different was that i placed screwed in the side of Ida's pot to hold the pipe cleaners in place(for LST). maybe these were leaching something into the soil when i watered, I'm not really sure what the screws were made of. but i took them out and flushed Ida, and gave her a little tiger bloom.
Now i just have to wait and see how she does.

Her buds are really brittle. last night i was moving some of the leaves and buds and a few buds just snapped off. i barely touched em and they broke off.
The new growth on the buds was just drying up and dying.
so id have to pluck off all this dead stuff from the buds themselves....

Hopefully i was right about the screws and the plant will recover.
I dont know what else it could be.
if it were bugs or fungus both plants would be sick.
plus i think i started having problems with the plant around the time i put the screws in.

Got my fingers crossed.

I'll get some pics up soon.
considering some green o matics. very interested to know what you get in the way of yeild. I have heard of up to 30grams per plant being reported. Nice grow and nice looking plants.



Well Ida is doing better,
but i was forced to harvest Lykke early.
her buds just started drying up.
there is no mold anywhere on the plant.
i checked very thoroughly.

anyone know what might have caused it?
its as if they just lost all there moisture.
so i had to cut it before it got worse. (which it did).
only thing i found that might be the cause is to much light.
they have had 24 hours since seed. and i read that to much light might cause something like this.
can anyone tell me what happened? i really want to avoid this for the next time.
i really wanted to let the plant continue for a couple more weeks.

Ida is doing a little better, but shes also got the problem with the buds and leafs on the buds just drying up.

I have tried searching for a cause. but if you put drying buds into google i dont get any relevant results.
PLZ tell me someone knows whats up.


smoke report
Well, i wish i had been able to let them go a little longer.
but the smoke was pretty good.
I chopped the other plant a few days ago.

it was very smooth, high was pretty good, on a scale of 1 - 10
10 being most amazing high.

id give this a 6.
high doesnt last to long. maybe just a couple hours till your not high anymore.

If i had been able to let them go another few weeks i think it would have been a 7.5 maybe.

I will be starting a new journal with the same setup as i have now at the end of july.
it will be the same strain Green-o-matics.
I have to go out of town for about a week in the middle of july so no one will be around to keep an eye on the plants.