Green-o-Matic in pc grow case


Hey everyone.
this is my first grow journal.
in fact it's my first grow.
So whatever helpful tips and info you have is greatly welcome.

so heres the deal.
i have a pc grow case i made myself.
the case itself is 23'' tall, so its a pretty big case.
got the largest i could get my hands on.

4 26 watt CFL's
Fox farm soil

the strain i am using us an auto flowering called 'green-o-matic'

I germinated 3 seeds, 2 in paper towels and one in just water. i really only intended to use 2, but one just would germ so i tossed the 3rd in some water. and all 3 popped. I dont know what i'll do with the 3rd just yet. i doubt i'll have the room for it, I'll just have to see what happens.

these pics are just after the first day after i put em in the soil. nothing to see really.
but i hate grow journals that dont show pics of the set up.

I'm not really expecting anything amazing out of this grow, just seems like something fun to do. grow in a pc case... its kinda cool.

any feedback or tips on how i can make it better are definatly appreciated.

EDIT: forgot to mention, these are feminized. so i dont have to worry about males.



A tiny update.
one of them has just barely broken the surface.
no pics at the moment. ill take some a little later and post.


I have a quick question.
right now i have my fans on inside the case. one intake one out.
when i have my fans on the case stays real cool.
basicly room temperture. which is around 65 F.

would it be better if i turned off the fans to get the temps up a bit?
or should i just leave the fans on?


one of my plants has a wierd brown mark on one of its baby leaves.
anyone know if this is something i should be worried about?

it isnt on the other one.
Here is the best pic i could take of it.



I knew id forget to update this grow journal.
awesome, glad someone is checking out the thread.
I'll make a note to make sure to keep updating this then.

I had to tie them down again. had another growth spurt.
which is awesome.
I had the lights completely fall on them again.
burned one of the plants foliage pretty badly.
still has tons of leafs tho, so i dont think it will really damage the plant aside from the shock it caused.
these 2 pics are of the same plant. the other looks much the same except less foliage.

The nutes i ordered should be here tomorow, which is great because its about time to water them. hopefully some nutes will help them bounce back from getting burned.

I think i had them to close to the lights when they were growing. everything is so close together.
i would have actualy liked a little more stretching.
lessons learned.

TONS of white hairs, even a few already turning a little brown.
this is almost 4 weeks in.
about half way there! YEA!

any questions, let me know.



Well i gave them nutes yesterday, and WOW.
some good growth over night.
The second pic is the same plant from my last update. i tried taking the same pic as my last one was so you can tell the difference.
the first pic is the one that got burned the worst.
not much of the burn left, a lot of it fell off.
on the plus side, all the leafs and bud sites are getting light now, so it's growing very well.
it's not as big as the other bud sites since it hasnt gotten much light till now. but at least it wasnt a total loss.



The plants are looking great.
the one that got badly burned isn't as large as the other, but it's bounced back nicely.
I'll get some pics up later tonight.


Update pics.
the first pic and second pic is of the one that wasnt badly burned... lets call her.... Lykke (pronounced Luuka. its danish.)
lykke is doing very well.
the second pic shows the bud on the main stem. Yes, that is the best pic of it i can get, my camera is awful at taking close ups that close.
there are a bunch more buds right under the leafs. this main bud is gonna turn out to be the largest, im sure.
and it has a few more large bud sites. not as large as the main, but still pretty good.

the 3rd pic is the plant that got badly burnt. I dont have a name for her yet. Any suggestions? as you can see shes recovered pretty nicely. a little smaller than lykke, but still growing well.
the buds are'nt as large as lykke, but i think she was shocked from the burn and is just having to catch up. I think the nutes helped her out a lot.

I just smoked, so i can't really think of anything else to report.

but if anyone has any questions i can try to answer em.



Active Member
Hey jakkaru i really like how low that thing is, ten of these are in route to my freind and i. I hope they look as good as yours.