Green Love Potion Micro-Grow


Active Member
Hey guys, DabbyDank here. Decided to put up a thread, on my first grow in my super cheap DIY Micro-Grow :mrgreen:. Alright, so ill get started with my start up materials and cost.
Materials: everything was found at walmart for a total cost of around $50.00
-Cardboard box
-2 Fans(inlet and exhaust) ducting if possible
-7 CFL lights total [4-5000k 23watt bulbs], as well as [3-2700k 23watt bulbs] for a better spectrum of light on the plants
-2-3 light socket adapters for new sockets
-reflective material[Mylar],panda film, or bright white walls
-2-3 pots depending on how big your space is(mine is 36"Tall x 18"Wide x 12" Deep
-Temp/Humidity gauge
-PH tester[Water](could be a kit) i use a digital tester that reads out the PH and the Temp of whatever i am testing
-PH tester[Soil] 2 probe soil ph meter, shows light,moisture, and ph of soil
-TDS tester(ppm's) shows the ppm's of whatever i am testing
-besides the soil and nutrients i will be using.
-Soil is FFOF(ph is sitting at 7)
-Nutrients are Humboldt Nutrient's Oneness (1part bbase), can't remember all the other supplements etc.. they are all from Humboldt Nutrients though.
Here are some Pictures of what the set up is looking like=) lol budget grow wooooo!!:mrgreen:bongsmilie

I will be updating as often as i can, Thanks for taking a look at my little MicroGrow:mrgreen: :bigjoint: to Dab... or not to Dab :neutral::sleep:


I'm not a big fan of cardboard boxes, but to each their own.
The only thing I would suggest is to start with a few 6500 bulbs, for seedlings, you don't need that much light in there. I started my two plants with with 3 x 46W 6500K bulbs and they flourished nicely.

Keep up the good fight and keep on postin'!


Well-Known Member
i thik the real question is how big of a dab do you take....
card board boxes arent very stealthy but its a nice lil setup ill subb


Active Member
hey guys! been a while since i updated. I changed my little box, so its not so janky now. anyways here's whats new...
1.i am using 4 bulbs at the moment. (all 6500k) down form 6 due to heat
2.i have 9 little sprouting seeds, in peat moss cylinders and in a little seedling tray (looks to be working for me )
3. the box is more organized now. both inside and out.
4. i got a digital timer, so now i have a 7 day set schedule for the lights, fans, etc..(no more jumbled cords)
5. Green Love Potion-start training next week
6. Kerella x Skunk freebbie seeds (9/10 germinated and are sprouting)
7.had a great 7/10 haha xD!
Here;s the Kerella x Skunk

Here's the new layout of my box, and the GLP ( starting a tad bit of training )

ill just try and post back on here from now on... thank for looking=)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, Looking good so far.

I had a setup similar to this originally but I just couldn't stand the fucking cardboard.
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.


Active Member
its in a plastic tub now, ditched the cardboard... haha ( hopefully ill get to update every week. just wanted to show you guys how she responded to the training)