Green line organics seed bank

My apologies to brother @Zipz55 I think I insulted him by scoffing at his suggestion of buying from GLO. Sorry, man. The people complaining about them had me apprehensive, but all my GLO orders have come through solid. I emailed him 4 order numbers the other night and he combined and shipped them out the next day.
I want to ask him if he'd ever send out some freebies of his gear but I have a good repoire with Amber and don't want to mess things up yall ... :)
He used to do it a good bit... I got a pack of lemon tree x (grape pie x cookies n cream) and a pack gelato 25 x ( grape pie x animal cookies) for buying grape pie x (grape pie x animal cookies) and gushers x (grape pie x animal cookies) all fems

Also got a free pack of orange nana regs for buying a fem pack of fuel berry jet fuel OG sherberry
Bumping a way old thread but:

Has anyone had problems lately with GLO? I put an order in late June and I haven’t seen a ship notice. Multiple emails have been sent without answer…
Bumping a way old thread but:

Has anyone had problems lately with GLO? I put an order in late June and I haven’t seen a ship notice. Multiple emails have been sent without answer…
Seems like it's working as intended lol. I'm waiting for an order from mid May and he/she hasn't answered any email, but it's whatever. Just gonna do a chargeback as the days count down.
Seems like it's working as intended lol. I'm waiting for an order from mid May and he/she hasn't answered any email, but it's whatever. Just gonna do a chargeback as the days count down.

He must busy blowing smoke at various packs and posting the vids on IG.
Id bet my money that he reads this thread daily.
Its a shame he does this with customers. Didn’t realize it was this bad.
He just post blowing smoke at 6 packs of Bodhi cherry unicorn.
He’s like the TJ Max of the seed game with the worst customer service humanly possible.
Poor Amber