Green light


Is it okay to leave the green light on while its night time in the room the whole night? I may have a crack or two with some light coming thru so ive been leaving the green light on to cover it up with green spectrum hearing that it doesnt bother them?


Its barley any. Like when i turn off the light I can barley hardly see it. Was thinking the green would delute it until I can fix it

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Light leaks show the damage during flowering. Light leaks are the worst you can do to jeopardize a flowering plant.


So what about that little orange light on the side of my timer an the grren light on my dehumidifier? That will affect the plants?


Active Member
ive wondered the same thing before. my surge protector power strip in my flower room has an orange "on" indicator light on it.
but its never seemed to affect my flower cycle. its only about an inch by a half inch long square. but it doesnt seem to illuminate anything really.


Yeah ive been wondering that an it was aggravating me so i covered it up with some tape!! Just the damn humidifier light shows but its green so I dont think it will bother them any!


Active Member
I never fully understood why a little light would hurt anything. When that sun is reflecting off the moon that's a pretty decent amount of light when grown outside or naturally?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I don't use power strips with switches that are illuminated in my flowering room for just that reason. Fine for veg, not flowering.


Active Member
yeah ive wired up a couple 20Amp circuits now and just have wall plugs. no more power strips for me anyway.

just something that ive wondered about that i was reminded by the OP.

but yeah i think a bit of non transparent tape over he little indicator light would do the trick.


Active Member
i can say one thing. even though the moon shines on my outdoor plants, they still go into sleep mode during the night.

if you dont know what im talking about, to me sleep mode is when you look at the plants at night and it looks droopy like it hasnt seen any water for a couple of days.

but when the sun comes up in the morning they sure do spring up and get all perky!

so much for a scientific answer eh? lol..


Active Member
I started off worrying about light leaks. Now I sometimes leave the door open in my grow room all day and all night for ventilation. So far no problems. I think that is mainly a myth, it takes a lot of stress other than light leaks to cause major problems. Look at all of the outdoor plants that survive with light leaks, it's never completely dark where I live, there is always the moon and/or other lights. Just MY opinion...


Active Member
if you have light leaks you could quite possibly end up with a hermie plant. or something like this. a budding plant that throws new shoots from he tops of the buds.

this happened to me because the natural daylight was at 14.40 hours per day and it reverted back from flower into veg.

if i were more educated in outdoor growing i could have left my patio light on at night to prevent it from going into flower until the daylight were closer to 12 hours per day. and had minimal problems..

instead i ended up getting close to an ounce of hash from them.
you live and you learn.



Yeah I mean if I look for the leaks I can see them but if im just standing in there its pretty much pitch black. Cant even see my hand infront of me. So I think I should be good!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have seen more than 1 grow that was 5+ weeks into flowering and they reverted back to veg due to light leaks. That is the worst.