Green light for dark period?


Well-Known Member
here something I'm probably going to try in the near future, this is for fish but hey it might work on plants LED Moonlight DIY by Fabio Iannelli

this little tid bit got me thinking about moonlight's effect on plants
In the short-day plants Perilla ocymoides and Chenopodium amaranticolor, a specific photoperiodic phenomenon was found that counteracts the disturbing effect of moonlight. Here light intensities similar to those of moonlight, introduced during the night, promote flowering instead of inhibiting it.


Well-Known Member
DEAR MR HEISMAN, the only hype from me was that this kid ,"just canceled" was attacking people in the group for saying that he was wrong when he was telling a newbie to use a bulb painted red at night because plants DONT USE RED LIGHT and he was MFKING everybody. People come here expecting good advice and he was outright lying. I simply said that plants Do use red (not onlyred)and was pointing out that HPS lights are used for there extra red during budding (as we all know) not that red was the only color or whatever you thought I meant.Virtually any light source at night will interrupt budding and thats what I was trying to get across to the newbie. That other guy was calling everyone names and I was just giving HIM back a little of his own bad behavior. And YES I'm not smoking anymore because I've got heart disease and it was KILLING ME, but if you got some extra I'll gladly let you give me one little nugget for Xmas. It would be worth it. Honestly I was just havin some fun fkin with him, I wasn't really mad or nothin. With that said, I do apologize to anyone that I offended with my behavior. I come on this site with the intention of REALLY HELPING those that need help, so I don't like when people purposely give bad or ignorant advice and I usually advise everyone to read the facts and to not even take what advice I give without CHECKING IN A TRUE SOURCE BOOK and I even said to look in botany books too, not only GROW BOOKS. Try reading my posts before you judge me PLEASE, I am giving mainly correct advice or I say that "this is just my opinion" so its not taken as fact. I try to be honest with those that come here looking for help, not screw them up.


Well-Known Member
First off - don't mess with your plants during dark cycle. If you want to risk it - go ahead - but you were warned.

Second - i think there are a few reasons we see conflicting, contradictory and flat-out stupid advice.

Reason 1 - it is illegal to grow for most of us so no real research is being done
Reason 2 - the research that is being done (for the most part) is not under strict scientific guidelines and is not peer-reviewed. why? see reason 1.
Reason 3 - People hear/read things and adopt those things as truth without checking for veracity
Reason 4 - People tend to give credit to whatever they are doing at the time regardless of reality. Example: wearing magnets on your wrist to make a headache go away. If your headache goes away and you're wearing a magnetic wristband, you may credit the wristband when in fact - it had nothing to do with your headache going away.
Reason 5 - Weed is resilient. Our plants may be growing awesome IN SPITE of what we are doing - we then claim what we did helped them grow when in fact - had we not done said thing - the plants would have grown better - but we'll never know.

OK - back to bickering.


Well-Known Member
I found out that a full moon shines @ .1 lumens. The led's I found emit 4.1 lumens so I would need a distance of 75" (6'3") to get the light to that point. I'll have to wait until I redo my grow room this summer to get that distance but I'm going to give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine told me , if I put a green light with my babies, i could look at them in the dark b/c the green light wouldnt hurt them. Is this true?

What kind of green light am i looking for? I found a GREEN party cfl lightbulb at lowes will this work?
why don't you save the trouble,,and just look at them for the 12 hours the light is on,,:hump:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Ok so lets email mythbusters and get this resolved, they can do a controled test to see what is what. They once did a controled test to see if music had a affect on the growth of plants. Heavy metal won.


Active Member
It has to do with the flowering hormone Pr Pfr which in the dark takes 4 hours to degrade to Pr (phytochrome red) Exposure to 730nm (far red light) accelerated this breakdown. Definitely a red incandescent light will be disaster, because it will convert the phytochrome to the Pfr configuration. It has a sharp absorbance peak in 650-670nm which will instantly make it all go in the Pfr configuration. Pure phytochrome looks blue-turquoise, SO THE CORRECT LIGHT IS BLUE!!!
The phytochrome (flowering pigment) reflects blue, so go in with a faint blue, and ur fine, you will not disturb the flowing cycle. This was discovered in the 1940's to 60's.
The actual phytochrome was discovered in 1959 by Warren Butler and Harold Siegelman. The phytochrome has been sequenced, and the three dimensional structure worked out : it has the hightly unusual shape of a knot.

Read and learn:

Phytochrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Well-Known Member
Well I can only think of one thing that will bring the tension down on this thread, time to load another bowl.


Active Member
Repeat: USE ONLY TURQUOISE/BLUE LIGHT. The flowering hormone is called phytochrome red, which absorbs red light. RED LIGHT WILL SCREW UP UR GROW!
The color of phytochrome red is turquoise/blue, because it reflects that color, and is not affected by it. Read the aricle in wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and do a google search of Phytochrome + photomorphogenesis, it you really want to know a lot about why ur plant does what it does.
Read and learn: Phytochrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
So you are all saying that if i add some red incandesent bulbs during flowering, alnog with the rest of the lights, it will increse my yeild?

You all better rush out and buy some.

I still stand by what i said.
I never said that LEAVING the red lights on during the night cycle.
Im asumming this guy does not want to leave them on all night, just to take a peak.
and in that case, a red light wouldnt hurt.

I still stand by what i said before.


Active Member
Incandescent lights suck big time. All heat and no light. If you want to increase ur yield, then buy some 730nm led's from Hong Kong (they will do a custom order for you, just look on ebay for an led supplier), make an LED array of 730's, and AT THE BEGINNING OF THE DARK PERIOD, EXPOSE THE GIRLS TO ONE MINUTE OF 730NM far red light. This will convert all of the Pfr to Pr, which is the flowering hormone. This conversion normally takes 4 hours to happen naturally. Then, you can cut ur night time by 4 hours, and increase ur daytime by the same amount. This will definitely increase ur yield. Look up google for phytochrome, flowering, photomorphogenesis.
This has been proven in experiments to work with short day plants. Cannabis is a short day plant. This is the only application there is to red light. Throw out that incandescent bulb, it is useless for anything!!! IBC, give it up already!!!
Read and learn, then give advice. In that order.


Well-Known Member
IBC is not saying that the red incandescent is to be used for growing only for a brief look at the plants, on the off chance you may need to enter your room at night.


Well-Known Member
i think ill step in here and see whats goin on, supz mclovin

ivebeencancelled, i disagree with the notion that any plant would be okay if given light during a dark cycle. i dont think you understand; the genetics of several strains will definately hermy if given light during dark cycles. ive seen a few grows hermy from light accidentily getting in. maybe you've gotten away with doing it, but that doesnt mean every strain will be thrilled with the idea.